Monday, September 30, 2019
The Return: Midnight Chapter 12
â€Å"Stefan. Stefan!†Elena had been too nervous to stay out of the bedroom for longer than the five minutes it had taken to show herself to the sheriffs. It was Stefan the officers real y wanted and couldn't find, not seeming to consider that someone might backtrack and hide in a room that had already been searched. And now Elena couldn't get a response out of Stefan, who was locked in an embrace with Meredith, mouth pressed tightly over the two little wounds he'd made. Elena had to shake him by the shoulders, to shake both of them, in order to get any response. Then Stefan reared back suddenly, but held on to Meredith, who would otherwise have fal en. He hastily licked blood from his lips. For once, though, Elena wasn't focused on him, but on her friend – her friend whom she'd al owed to do this. Meredith's eyes were shut, but they had dark, almost plum-colored circles under them. Her lips were parted, and her dark cloud of hair was wet where tears had fal en into it. â€Å"Meredith? Merry?†The old nickname just slipped out of Elena's lips. And then, when Meredith gave no sign of having heard her: â€Å"Stefan, what's wrong?†â€Å"I Influenced her at the end to sleep.†Stefan lifted Meredith and put her on the bed. â€Å"But what happened? Why is she crying – and what's wrong with you?†Elena couldn't help but notice that despite the healthy flush on Stefan's cheeks his eyes were shadowed. â€Å"Something I saw – in her mind,†Stefan said briefly, pul ing Elena behind his back. â€Å"Here comes one of them. Stay there.†The door opened. It was the male sheriff, who was red-faced and panting, and who had clearly just lapped himself, returning to this room after starting from it to search the entire first floor. â€Å"I have them al in a room – al but the fugitive,†the sheriff said into a large black mobile. The female sheriff made some brief reply. Then the red-faced male turned to speak to the teenagers. â€Å"Now what's going to happen is that I'm going to search you†– he nodded at Stefan – â€Å"while my partner searches you two.†His head jerked, ear-first, at Meredith. â€Å"What's wrong with her, anyway?†â€Å"Nothing that you could understand,†Stefan replied cool y. The sheriff looked as if he couldn't believe what had just been said. Then, suddenly, he looked as if he could, and did, and he took a step toward Meredith. Stefan snarled. The sound made Elena, who was right behind him, jump. It was the low savage snarl of an animal protecting its mate, its pack, its territory. The ruddy-faced policeman suddenly looked pale and panicked. Elena guessed that he was looking at a mouth ful of teeth much sharper than his own, and tinged with blood as well. Elena didn't want this to turn into a pi – that was, a†¦snarling match. As the sheriff gabbled to his partner, â€Å"We may need some of them silver bul ets after al ,†Elena poked her beloved, who was now making a noise like a very big buzz saw that she could feel in her teeth, and whispered, â€Å"Stefan, Influence him! The other one's coming, and she may already have cal ed for backup.†At her touch, Stefan stopped making the sound, and when he turned she could see his face changing from that of a savage animal baring its teeth back to his own dear, green-eyed self. He must have taken a lot of blood from Meredith, she thought, with a flutter in her stomach. She wasn't sure how she felt about that. But there was no denying the after-effects. Stefan turned back to the male sheriff and said crisply, â€Å"You wil go into the front hal way. You wil remain there, silent, until I tel you to move or speak.†Then, without looking up to see if the officer was obeying or not, he tucked the blankets more tightly around Meredith. Elena was watching the sheriff, though, and she noticed that he didn't hesitate an instant. He made an about-face and marched off to the front foyer. Then Elena felt safe enough to look at Meredith again. She couldn't find anything wrong in her friend's face, except her unnatural pal or, and those violet shadows around her eyes. â€Å"Meredith?†she whispered. No response. Elena fol owed Stefan out of the room. She had just made it to the foyer when the female sheriff ambushed them. Coming down the stairs, pushing the fragile Mrs. Flowers before her, she shouted, â€Å"On the ground! Al of you!†She gave Mrs. Flowers a hard shove forward. â€Å"Get down now!†When Mrs. Flowers almost fel sprawling on the floor, Stefan leaped and caught her, and then turned back to the other woman. For a moment Elena thought that he would snarl again, but instead, in a voice tight with self-control, he said, â€Å"Join your partner. You can't move or speak without my permission.†He took the shaken-looking Mrs. Flowers to a chair on the left side of the foyer. â€Å"Did that – person – hurt you?†â€Å"No, no. Just get them out of my house, Stefan, dear, and I'l be most grateful,†Mrs. Flowers replied. â€Å"Done,†Stefan said softly. â€Å"I'm sorry we've caused you so much trouble – in your own home.†He looked at each of the sheriffs, his eyes piercing. â€Å"Go away and don't come back. You have searched the house, but none of the people you were looking for were here. You think further surveil ance wil yield nothing. You believe that you would do more good by helping the – what was it? Oh, yes, the mayhem in the town of Fel ‘s Church. You wil never come here again. Now go back to your car and leave.†Elena felt the tiny hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She could feel the Power behind Stefan's words. And, as always, it was satisfying to see cruel or angry people become docile under the power of a vampire's Influence. These two stood for another ten seconds quite stil , and then they simply walked out the front door. Elena listened to the sound of the sheriff's car driving away and such a strong feeling of relief washed over her that she almost col apsed. Stefan put his arms around her, and Elena hugged him back tightly, knowing that her heart was pounding. She could feel it in her chest and her fingertips. It's all over. All done now, Stefan thought to her and Elena suddenly felt something different. She felt pride. Stefan had simply taken charge and chased the officers away. Thank you, she thought to Stefan. â€Å"I guess we'd better get Matt out of the root cel ar,†she added. Matt was unhappy. â€Å"Thanks for hiding me – but do you know how long that was?†he demanded of Elena when they were upstairs again. â€Å"And no light except what was in that little star bal . And no sound – I couldn't hear a thing down there. And what is this?†He held out the long, heavy wooden staff, with its strangely shaped, spiked ends. Elena felt sudden panic. â€Å"You didn't cut yourself, did you?†She snatched up Matt's hands, letting the long staff fal to the ground. But Matt didn't seem to have a single scratch. â€Å"I wasn't dumb enough to hold it by the ends,†he said. â€Å"Meredith did, for some reason,†Elena said. â€Å"Her palms were covered with wounds. And I don't even know what it is.†â€Å"I do,†Stefan said quietly. He picked up the stave. â€Å"But it's Meredith's secret real y. I mean it's Meredith's property,†he added hastily as al eyes fixed on him at the word secret. â€Å"Well, I'm not blind,†Matt said in his frank, straightforward way, flipping back some fair hair in order to look more closely at the thing. He raised blue eyes to Elena. â€Å"I know what it smells like, which is vervain. And I know what it looks like with al those silver and iron spikes coming out of the sharp ends. It looks like a giant staff for exterminating every kind of Godawful Hel acious monster that walks on this earth.†â€Å"And vampires, too,†Elena added hastily. She knew that Stefan was in a funny mood and she definitely didn't want to see Matt, for whom she stil cared deeply, lying on the floor with a crushed skul . â€Å"And even humans – I think these bigger spikes are for injecting poison.†â€Å"Poison?†Matt looked at his own palms hastily. â€Å"You're okay,†Elena said. â€Å"I checked you, and besides it would be a very quick-acting poison.†â€Å"Yes, they would want to take you out of the fight as fast as possible,†Stefan said. â€Å"So if you're alive now, you're likely to stay that way. And now, this Godawful Hel acious monster just wants to get back up to bed.†He turned to go to the attic. He must have heard Elena's swift, involuntarily indrawn breath, because he turned around and she could see that he was sorry. His eyes were dark emerald, sad but blazing with unused Power. I think we'l have a late morning, Elena thought, feeling pleasurable thril s ripple through her. She squeezed Stefan's hand, and felt him return the pressure. She could see what he had in mind; they were close enough and he was projecting pretty clearly what he wanted – and she was as eager to get upstairs as he was. But at that moment Matt, eyes on the wickedly spiked staff, said, â€Å"Meredith has something to do with that?†â€Å"I should never have said anything at al about it,†Stefan replied. â€Å"But if you want to know more, you'd real y better ask Meredith herself. Tomorrow.†â€Å"Al right,†Matt said, final y seeming to understand. Elena was way ahead of him. A weapon like that was – could only be – for kil ing al sorts of monsters walking the earth. And Meredith – Meredith who was as slim and athletic as a bal erina with a black belt, and oh! Those lessons! The lessons that Meredith had always put off if the girls were doing something at that exact moment, but that she always somehow managed to make time for. But a girl could hardly be expected to carry a harpsichord around with her and nobody else had one. Besides, Meredith had said she hated to play, so her BFFs had let it go at that. It was al part of the Meredith mystique. And riding lessons? Elena would bet some of them were genuine. Meredith would want to know how to make a quick escape mounting anything available. But if Meredith wasn't practicing for a little light music in the drawing room, or for starring in a Hol ywood Western – then what would she have been doing? Training, Elena guessed. There were a lot of dojos out there, and if Meredith had been doing this since that vampire attacked her grandfather she must be pretty darn good. And when we've fought grisly things, whose eyes have ever been on her, a soft gray shadow that kept out of the limelight? A lot of monsters probably got knocked out but good. The only question that needed to be answered was why Meredith hadn't shown them the Godawful Hel acious monster staker or used it in any fights – say against Klaus – until now. And Elena didn't know, but she could ask Meredith herself. Tomorrow, when Meredith was up. But she trusted that it had some simple answer. Elena tried to stifle a yawn in a ladylike way. Stefan? she asked. Can you get us out of here – without picking me up – and to your room? â€Å"I think we've al had enough stress this morning,†Stefan said in his own gentle voice. â€Å"Mrs. Flowers, Meredith is in the first-floor bedroom – she'l probably sleep very late. Matt – â€Å" â€Å"I know, I know. I don't know where the schedule went but I might as well make it my night.†Matt presented an arm to Stefan. Stefan looked surprised. Darling, you can never have too much blood, Elena thought to him, seriously and straightforwardly. â€Å"Mrs. Flowers and I wil be in the kitchen,†she said aloud. When they were there, Mrs. Flowers said, â€Å"Don't forget to thank Stefan for defending the boardinghouse for me.†â€Å"He did it because it's our home,†Elena said, and went back into the hal , where Stefan was thanking a flushing Matt. And then Mrs. Flowers cal ed Matt into the kitchen and Elena found herself swooped up in lithe, hard arms and then they were gaining altitude rapidly, with the wood staircase emitting little creaks and groans of protest. And final y they were in Stefan's room and Elena was in Stefan's arms. There was no better place to be, or anything else either of them real y wanted now, Elena thought and turned her face up as Stefan turned his down and they began with a long slow kiss. And then the kiss went molten, and Elena had to cling to Stefan, who was already holding her with arms that could have cracked granite, but only squeezed her exactly as tightly as she wanted them to.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Financial Statements for Internal Reporting vs. External Reporting Purposes
Financial Statements for Internal Reporting Purposes vs. Financial Statements for External Reporting Purposes It is common in most companies to maintain two set of financial statements; one being used/presented for internal reporting purposes and another for reporting externally. Internal reports are used primarily to aid management in the decision making process throughout the course of the business. These are subject to internal audit to make sure that all information reported are fair and correct, safeguard the assets of the company, assure compliance to laws and regulations, etc. The company employs the internal accountants and therefore, unregulated, although there are international standards for internal auditing. External Reports on the other hand, are to provide information on the financial position, performance and changes in the financial position of the company for a variety of users such as the government, shareholders, financial institutions, employees, vendors, and the public itself. These reports should be very understandable, and are assumed to be read by users who have reasonable knowledge on financials and business, and for those who are willing to study the information diligently. Most of the external users depend completely on these reports for their decision making. The reports are expected to be reliable so the companies should employ external auditors that are independent from the company. This is to avoid conflict of interests and bias towards the information presented by the company. Ideally, the financial statements that are audited by the internal auditors should be the same as the statements that would be subject to external audit. The problem arises when the company decided to report financial statements that are entirely different from the internally used and that of externally used. But still the intention of the company why it reported two different reports should be considered as well because that is where the ethical issue starts. If the company’s primary intention is to conceal the truth to avoid tax penalties, attract more investors, or lure a vendor to give a high credit limit, then the ethical standard of utilitarianism, rights and duties as well as the fairness and equity are violated. For utilitarianism approach, the external users will surely not benefit from the concealment. Their investments, assets, as well as the benefits from taxes are at risk. Only the company will benefit from it. In terms of the rights and duties approach, the shareholders has all the rights to know the true standing of the company and the duty of the company is to provide them the truth. The issue on fairness and equity is that other users may be able benefit from some concealment while others may not. Maintaining two sets of Financial Records/Statement has been a long practice for almost all if not all major companies worldwide. An example of which is the manner of reporting sunk costs. Companies do recognize sinking cost in the Financial Statement. While this could be creditable as expense for tax accounting purposes, the said cost is no longer relevant for management decision thus no longer required in the books for Internal Purposes. Keeping two books would allow company executives to better examine items that matter to them especially those which affect the company in the future. There is nothing wrong in maintain two sets of books specially if the reports are in accordance the accounting guidelines such as the GAAP or other statutory requirements required by the government where the company operates and are prepared in accordance with the Bureau of Internal Revenue regulations. As explained above, the books for internal management are for their use only and need not be shown to the public or used in taxation purposes.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Statement of Purpose. The social work profession Personal
Of Purpose. The social work profession - Personal Statement Example The settings of social work practice may include hospitals, the homes of service users, schools, and other voluntary organizations (Horne, 1999). In my human service experiences and interactions with others, I have incorporated the values of social work in numerous ways. In the practice of my profession, I have paid significant attention to the social work values of service, dignity and worth of the person, social justice, integrity, importance of human relationships and competence (Sue, 2005). I have always held dear the social work value of service based on the reason that the primary goal of my profession is to help those in need to address the social problems, which they may be facing. As the social work value of service to clients purports, social workers should volunteer some of their professional skills with no expectation of financial return. I have successfully done this since I have assisted most of my clients without any expectation of getting returns from them. Another co re social work value includes social justice, which is based on the ethical principle that social workers should challenge social injustice (Vass, 1996). In my experience and interactions with others, I have pursued change on behalf of the oppressed and vulnerable persons in society. While working with diverse groups of persons, I have realized the need to acknowledge their ethnic, as well as cultural diversity. In the practice of social work profession, social workers should respect the dignity and worth of the person. As such, social workers should aim at treating clients and all persons in a respectful and caring manner (Turner, 2011). I have held this value to the latter; I have always promoted the self determination of clients in the decisions they make. In a socially responsible manner, I have sought to resolve the conflicts between client interests and interests of the broader society. Integrity can be regarded as one of the core values in the practice of social work; social workers have the obligation to behave in a manner that seems trustworthy (Shardlow, 2004). In my experiences with clients and interactions with people, I have always acted in line with the mission, ethical principles, values, and ethical standards of social work. I have acted responsibly and honestly; I have achieved this by promoting ethical principles and practices of the profession. In my human service experiences and interactions with people, I have recognized the significance of human relationships. I have assisted clients to understand that the relationships they have with people play an essential role in change. Moreover, I have strived to strengthen the relationships between people. This has allowed me to enhance, restore, and promote the wellbeing of families, individuals, and social groups. In my interactions with people and human service experience, I have successfully become competent in the field of social service. This has allowed me to enhance and develop the professi onal practice of my profession. Competence has increased my professional skills as well as knowledge; I plan to apply these in practice. I have had significant life experiences and relationships in giving help; these experiences motivated me to pursue social work. Social work entails working with clients at various levels, especially the needy, in order to improve their
Friday, September 27, 2019
Epidemics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Epidemics - Essay Example For example, the fear about epidemics is growing in Nepal at present because of the recent earthquake. Many of the people in Nepal are still struggling because of this earthquake. Majority of the people in Nepal are living in open streets at the moment. These streets are not much clean at the moment because of earthquake. Diseases or epidemics can develop in these streets at any time. It is difficult to control or treat an epidemic once it occurs. There are no effective methods for the treatment or controlling of epidemics. Each epidemic may have different characteristics and different control measures are required to prevent them. In any case, vaccination is the first method of prevention of spreading of epidemic. Once, the epidemic starts striking an area, all the people in that area should be vaccinated first. Moreover, people in the affected area should be educated about the necessities of taking precautionary measures that prevent the spreading of the epidemic. The victims should be advised to wash their hands with soap and water or alcohol based hand cleaners before taking foods. Victims should be advised to avoid touching mouth, nose and eyes with dirty hands. Moreover, the victims should be advised to wear face masks in order to avoid breathing of contaminated air. Epidemics are severe diseases that can spread within a short period to much wider areas. It is caused by natural disasters and changes in the ecology. Victims of epidemic should be given vaccines first and they should be advised to take control measures such as washing hands before food and wearing mouth
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Integration Paper (Operations Management) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Integration Paper (Operations Management) - Essay Example These two concepts when taken personally and professional are very much and related and cannot be really separated. Personally, ERP is something that one needs to learn in order to maximize the use of resources (financial and time). I know that I can relate on how specific inputs should be handled in order to get the most benefits. An example of this is the efficient allocation of budget which is very significant with the current economic situation. Professionally, the concepts of ERP and SCM should always be considered in any activity noting the profit maximizing goal of the firm. Thus, each employee should see to it that all resources should be put into best use. The most interesting lesson for the week is JIT and lean operations. I am really amazed by these concepts in operations management. I have always wondered why Dell Inc does not have retail distributors for their products. I thought it might have been just easy for them to stock their products and wait for walk-in customers to buy. However, with the discussion, I have appreciated this strategy of JIT where products are manufactured as they are ordered by customers.
Week 2 Academic Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Week 2 Academic Paper - Assignment Example It is important to clarify that this paper adds immense value to the operations of the research body of knowledge and to the cyber security community. This is by enlightening them on a number of common threats and how they can be mitigated. It also provides a well-defined auditing approach, which focuses on sorting of audit records based on legitimate and Clandestine users. Lastly but certainly not the least, it goes ahead to outlining a quality structure of a computer security surveillance system, which is very important in enhancing data security in a cyber-network (Anderson, 1980). Regardless of the benefits, there is a considerable number of weaknesses on this paper and they include lack of clear explanation on how data encryption will be implemented in the integration of surveillance subsystems. It also has a weakness particularly on monitoring vulnerability in a computer network connection (Westby, 2004). Instead, it only outlines computer security monitoring on the individual computer users and
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Oryx and Crake literacy argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Oryx and Crake literacy argument - Essay Example In the novel, genetic mutations and the creation of a new beings (hybrids of the human race), love and humanity slowly is growing extinct. The novel bases off of a realistic society in the future, despite the genetic transitions, flashing back to Snowman’s life, when he was still Jimmy, when he had morals and love in his life then flashing back to the present to a completely different dynamic in the world. Slowly, love is depleting; people giving themselves away to the opposite sex, families getting broken apart by divorce, young adults not fitting in and ending their lives. With the growing technology and advancement of science, soon the world might be a loveless, compassionless, and lifeless place. Snowman, previously known as Jimmy in his former life, has flashbacks to the compounds, the reader can see the way Jimmy lived and learned. There are several factors showing the reader that morality is not an interest. They have television shows showing aided suicides and live executions; the schools also cater prostitutes to the students regularly (Atwood 11). Snowman can see the new world and remember fragments of the past; he remembers love and the aspect of being in love. The new world consists of women giving themselves away to multiple men with no feelings or strings attached. Although Snowman still has these memories, he still has several habits that are very vulgar such as using woman for sexual intercourse by saying he â€Å"loves†them. The memories compound one of the major attributes that is to degrade the feminine gender completely and use them as objects to use at the will of the men. From the flashbacks it is evident that although Snowman has had some experienc e of love that does not seem to deter him from practicing the uncouth and immoral behaviors practiced by other men making the relationships that she has had with the other women baseless (Atwood
Monday, September 23, 2019
Reggae into the Contemporary American Society Essay
Reggae into the Contemporary American Society - Essay Example Regardless of the culture from which and individual hails, the common point is that a desirable culture should provide an individual with a sense of identity and the individual should be able to understand the dynamic nature of the world and be able to adjust to the changes encountered. Folk culture refers to the natural way of life that is defined by an ideal culture in a given community. This culture emphasizes on the human values like honor and the principle of reasoning and a view that the natural setting should be valued and considered wholesome. The spirit of hard work, self-discipline, and excellence are some of the aims of a folk culture, and which have currently lost grounds in the majority of the modern culture. Others include individual responsibility and loyalty to the authority. There are various ways through which communities preserve their cultural heritage to uphold their identity. The traditional cultural preservations include some ritual practices, traditional folk dances, folk tales, and folk music (Jankee, 2). The themes of the folk songs pointed out the cultural values like brevity, loyalty, and hard work. They often contained information on peaceful coexistence among the individuals in a given society. These traditional folk cultural expressions developed into the modern expressions with some deviations. Much of the human values that were emphasized by the traditional folk songs are not stressed in the modern Western cultures. The modern culture happens not to view nature as it was viewed earlier and neither does it allow nature to take control of life as in the olden days. There has also emerged a relation between the cultural expressions and grass root developments, especially in the developing nations. The different cultural expressions that are witnessed in different parts of the world are all concerned with the issue of defining the identity of the community.Â
Sunday, September 22, 2019
How a Bill Becomes a Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
How a Bill Becomes a Law - Essay Example However, not every bill becomes a law. So the question is how exactly a bill becomes a law, from an idea in somebody’s head to the President of the United States enacting the law by a stroke of his pen. Discussion Many people who grew up in the 1970’s and 1980’s remember the humorous â€Å"I’m Just a Bill†segment from Schoolhouse Rock with some affection. Nevertheless, although its aim was the education of elementary school children, the skit did a fairly accurate description of the bill-to-law process: I became a bill, and I'll remain a bill until they decide to make me a law (Schoolhouse, 2012). The producers might have tried to make the show into a primetime special, for many adults do not have any idea how a bill becomes a law in this country either. First a person, be they private citizen or politician, has an idea for a law that would benefit the majority. The President can issue a temporary proclamation (such as sending the military to fight ) but even he has to ask a sympathetic member of Congress to introduce the bill. Under the United States Constitution, either house of the Congress (Senate or House of Representatives) can introduce the bill. ... This is especially true if the idea is brought forth by means of a petition, one hundred or more people. Therefore, maybe looking at Ryan’s bill about the Post Office building would provide a good description of the process. On January 24, 2000 HR 4241, â€Å"To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1818 Milton Avenue in Janesville, Wisconsin as the Les Aspin Post Office Building†was introduced to the 106th Congress. Approximately two months later, Ryan and most of his Wisconsin colleagues formally introduced HR 4241 as a bill on April 11. From there, he House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform received it; and the bill passed rather quickly through that committee. Aspin was a well-respected member of Congress for many years, as well as Clinton’s Secretary of Defense. The full House voted on the bill on June 6, when it passed overwhelmingly, 378-6. The next day, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs received the bill, where it became S. 2458. After only two weeks, the entire Senate likewise voted on the bill, again passing it with a large margin. The Executive Office took delivery of the bill on June 28 for Presidential consideration and President Clinton signed it into law on July 6, 2000 (GovTrack, 2012). From Resolution to law the bill took less than six months but they can sometimes linger for months or even years, especially particularly touchy subjects such as health care. Because laymen do sometimes not understand the technical language and needs, it might be best if the health care professional seeks a fellow HCP in Congress to ask for legislation. There are several nurses in the House, including Karen Bass of California and Eddie Johnson of Texas. Sixteen doctors include John Fleming
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Graphic Novels in education Essay Example for Free
Graphic Novels in education Essay Graphic novels and comic books have been some of the most debated topics recently in many different areas. Many people think that they could be helpful in education, while some others completely disagree. Some people think they are childish, and some think they require just as much comprehension as long, fictional novels. However, despite all the criticism graphic novels often get, the genre is growing recently. Many things have led to this rise in interest, from easier access on the Internet to the many superhero movies sparking interest in a younger audience. Due to this recent rise in popularity for graphic novels, several people believe that this genre can be helpful in all levels of education. There are positives and negatives to this possibility, like everything else, but the positives seem to outweigh the negatives. One thing that weighs in favor of adding more graphic novels into education is that they are easier to read and can be more encouraging for students who may not like to read. There are several things that one must be able to do to read and understand graphic novels, including comprehending visual imagery and making inferences. The biggest factors that are helping push graphic novels into education are what was just mentioned; the way students now learn, the need to make inferences, and the need for students to learn visually. Every teacher can admit to having a few students in class that were not particularly good readers or that did not enjoy reading. If graphic novels were read more widely in classrooms, that would help with these certain students learning. The vocabulary and diction used in this genre is much simpler than in most word-based novels that would be read in class. Often, students who are given a very long book, they simply do not even read for their assignments. However, if one of these same students was given a longer graphic novel, like Watchmen for example, it is very likely that they would be more willing to read. Another method that makes these works easier for some students is that the words are more spread out, which makes the student only comprehend small parts at a time. This makes students who are less confident with their reading skills able to better manage comprehending the purpose in a novel. Although the speech in graphic novels is simpler, students are still â€Å"challenged by the need to infer and decipher a variety of literary devices†(Constantino). Another positive factor in graphic novels is how visual it is. Children today are becoming much more visual learners. This is probably due to the prevalence of television and computers in today’s society. While, television and computers have often been looked at as negative impacts in children’s learning, many students have figured out that there are good things on television and the internet. Also, these students have found out that there are books that are not particularly good, despite what they have been taught. While there is still going to be those people out there who will have their doubts about allowing this genre in education, students would benefit from having more visual learning and less long narratives in class, which is just what graphic novels would bring. One of the most important abilities for a student when reading is learning how to make inferences. Many times in comics and graphic novels, the author will give a â€Å"bare outline†of what is going on, and leave the reader to â€Å"fill in the blanks†with the scenery or facial expressions of the characters (Walter). This ability is key to not only reading, but also in daily life. Inferences often need to be made in conversation to know exactly what situation that person is going through. If graphic novels were added to more school’s curriculum, then not only would students’ reading abilities improve, but their conversational skills would also improve. The reader of comics must also be able to decode the messages that the writer displays in his work. No matter how discrete of a message the author may insert into a work, the reader must be able to put together the pieces of the puzzle to create a continuous story. The reader must perform closure in between the â€Å"encapsulated moments in order to create a completed whole out of fragments†(Duncan and Smith 12). This closure that the reader must make is very similar to making inferences. To do both, one must apply background knowledge and relate events that may be described indirectly to blend these sequences into a constant story. Because of the important skill of making inferences that is necessary to read and understand graphic novels, they can be used as a gateway to reading more challenging works by developing this skill in children. As was mentioned previously, children are relying more and more on learning through visual techniques. Because of that, comics can be much more helpful than long narratives in teaching students to understand imagery, tone, symbolism, and many others. One example of how visual aids can help students learn is by using facial expression or body language of the drawn characters in graphic novels. Students will be able to gain many details of the story by simply looking at these two things. By looking at a character’s facial expression, one can learn the current mood of the story, along with what tone the character may be using. Teaching students to look at these things will not just help them when reading a graphic novel, it can also help them figure out certain situations that may occur during their lives. While some people argue that graphic novels are much simpler or not as mentally stimulating, they do share some characteristics with text-based narratives. One characteristic in particular is that they both use onomatopoeia. While these text-based narratives will insert these words into a sentence, graphic novels will make an entire panel out of one of these words. Although both of these genres do use onomatopoeia equally as much, the usage in graphic novels is more imaginative. In graphic novels, the word is usually brought to the center of the page, and made colorful and exciting. Because of the way that graphic novels display this literary technique, students can easier realize when that literary device is being used. Students can get a better understanding of when this literary device is applicable, and that will make them more confident as they continue reading. Despite the fact that graphic novels can often maintain a simpler vocabulary, they can still teach students simple literary devices like onomatopoeia. While the vocabulary is usually simpler, the material is more complex. As Linda Starr states in her article, an advantage of using graphic novels in the classroom is that these books â€Å"present complex material in readable text†. This gives graphic novels an advantage over other, harder to read, novels because more often than not, these students have a greater understanding of issues that are dealt with in books, but not all the time can they decipher what the issues are because of the more difficult vocabulary. One way to simplify things for these students, while still challenging them mentally is to provide more graphic novels in the curriculum. There is always going to be crowds of people who will deny graphic novels ever being relevant in education, but the different ways students are learning, the way students must make inferences, and the visual techniques that are displayed in graphic novels all provide reasons why these texts should be included in the classroom today. Graphic novels can serve as a spring into a lifelong love of reading or it can simply keep the student interested enough to get through an assignment. Whatever a student’s level of reading skill, there is no doubt that they will be able to read a graphic novel, while still maintaining a certain complexity in the ideas presented. Graphic novels can also teach students how to make inferences, as well as recognize and understand common literary techniques. Above all, students’ imaginations, and possibly interests will rise because of this genre being implemented into a curriculum. As Jesse Karp notes about graphic novels, â€Å"the form reaches young people in a way no other can†, and that is what is most important to future students’ learning. Works Cited Constantino, Correne. â€Å"Teaching English and Reading with Graphic Novels†. Education. cu-portland. edu. Concordia University, n. d. Web. 3 May 2013. Randy Duncan and Matthew J. Smith. The Power of Comics: History, Form and Culture. New York: The Continuum International Publishing Group, 2009. Print. Karp, Jesse. â€Å"The Case for Graphic Novels in Education†. Americanlibrariesmagazine. org. Chicago: American Library Associarion, 1 Aug. 2011. Web. 3 May 2013. Starr, Linda. â€Å"Eek! Comics in the Classroom! †. Educationworld. com. Education World, 11 Jan. 2008. Web. 3 May 2013. Walter, Carlene. â€Å"Graphic Novels†. Eclection. wikispaces. com. Tangient LLC, n. d. Web. 3 May 2013.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Gender Differences in Emotional Responses to Clothing
Gender Differences in Emotional Responses to Clothing Contents (Jump to) Abstract Introduction Method Participants Procedure Chapter 1: Exposed skin 1.1 Specific body parts 1.1.1 Upper front body (neck, shoulder and chest) a) Results b) Discussion 1.1.2 Back a) Results b) Discussion 1.1.3 Leg a) Results b) Discussion 1.2 How short is too short? 1.2.1 Background information 1.2.2 Results Chapter 2: Color 2.1 Colors with sexual implications 2.1.1 Heu 2.1.2 Saturation 2.1.3 Brightness 2.1.4 Discussion 2.2 Colors that show weak character 2.2.1 Heu 2.2.2 Saturation 2.2.3 Brightness 2.2.4 Discussion Chapter 3: Dressing style 3.1 Loose and tight 3.1.1 Background information 3.1.2 Results 3.2 Uniforms 3.2.1 Uniforms that promote men’s interest 3.2.2 Uniforms that decrease men’s interest 3.2.3 Discussion of the reason of the â€Å"uniform phenomenon†Conclusion Bibliography Abstract Since scantily cladding is sometimes believed to be the cause to sexual harassment, it is necessary to find out whether they are related, and if so, how they are related. When discussing the relationship between scantily cladding and sexual harassment, the key element is the emotional response that clothing sends out from women to men. This study set an experiment to find out how different aspects including exposed skin, color, and style of women clothing can effect young adult men’s emotion, then analyzed the experiment result in psychological and social sectors. The result of the experiment indicates a strong relationship between the men’s emotion and certain clothing style. It was found that men are more attracted to exposed upper front body, relatively short dress, warm color, tight clothes and traditional female profession uniforms. It was also found that women who wear low saturation color clothes are thought to be weak and can be teased without worrying about revenge, thus put themselves in danger. The research of the relationship between color and human psychology explains the men’s romance preference in warm color, especially red is based on animal instinct. The study also analyzed the uniform appreciation in the â€Å"observational learning†theory. The study confirmed that the women’s clothing can be the cause of men’s sexualarousal, and may also be negative stimulus to men’s moral sense. These findings provide a base for further research on relationship between scantily cladding and sexual harassment. Key words: clothing, emotional response, sexual harassment, exposed skin, color Introduction Sexual harassment is the assault behavior with sex suggestions that happened in public or private situation, from one person to the other, including verbal assault, touching, etc. Dressing style is the general idea of elements of clothing, including color, tightness, uniforms etc. The former research has tried to relate the men’s behavior with the women’s clothing style, but all of them failed to define â€Å"sexy look†or compare the looks of women. One detailed research has related the red and men’s sexual arousal but did not explain the reason of that phenomenon. Method Participants The participants are the healthy male adults in Tianjin University, ranging in age from 18 to 28, who is considered to be able to receive the visual signal and give feedback. The experiment randomly interviewed 200 men, among which there are 180 valid questionnaires. Procedure In the experiment, the participants viewed several pictures and were asked to answer a few questions. The pictures were downloaded from the internetà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’especially from shopping website, and then for privacy and accuracy reason, the Photoshop software was used to erase the background and blank the models’ faces of all pictures. Then the pictures were showed to the participants. In the most time, the participants are asked to pick pictures that can conform to questions. The experiment was divided into five parts. In the first part, the three pictures are all of a same model, wearing tight white dresses; the three dresses exposed different part of her body. Then we asked the participants to choose the most attractive one. In the second part, the same model in the pictures wears white dresses that differ in lengths. The lengths of the four dresses in the pictures are thirty centimeters above the knees, ten centimeters above the knees, ten centimeters below the knees and thirty centimeters below the knees. The participants are asked to choose two pictures that they find attractive. In the third part, the photos are processed by Photoshop software to change the color of the girl’s dress. The original color is yellow, then the color of the dress was changed in heu, brightness and saturation, each measurement is a group and has four photos. The participants were asked to choose one photo from each group that they find attractive. Then they are asked to choose one photo from each group that they think the women in the picture is weak, the reason of thinking so was also asked. In the fourth part, the photos are all of a same model wearing different style dresses. The dresses differ in tightness. The participants are asked to choose from two pictures the women they find attractive. In one picture the model wears a lose black dress, in the other picture, the model wears a tight black dress. In the fifth part, the pictures are different uniforms, including police uniform, army uniform, nurse uniform, doctor uniform, cook uniform and stewardess uniform. Participants were asked to choose the uniforms that they find most attractive and least attractive. Chapter 1: Exposed skin 1.1 Specific body parts 1.1.1 Upper front body (neck, shoulder and chest) a)Results More than 50% participants chose the exposed chest as the most attractive photo. b)Discussion The breast, as a secondary sex characteristic of women, has a shape a lot like pygal, and also a symbol of estrogen level. In the ancient times, the human ancestors always use doggy style pose to intercourse. During the intercourse, pygal is the body part men would see. Breasts are the front side version of pygal, which allows the men to evaluate the women’s fertility when they meet. Also, the shape of breasts indicates the women’s age, health condition and nutritional state, which are crucial elements for an ancient man to choose his mate, because the woman’s body condition will affect their descendants. This tendency has been in human’s brain for thousands of years and has been inherited till today. 1.1.2 Back a) Results Less than 10% participants chose the exposed back as the most attractive photo. b) Discussion Back is an important part of human body, but not a key element in mate choosing. Still, Straight spinal column, smooth skin and well structured muscles can tell a man that a woman is in good body situation and can raise children by her own. The health condition is always an important element in mate choosing, so the exposed back is still attractive to some participants, but the other exposed body parts will do the back’s work just as well. 1.1.3 Leg a) Results 30% participants chose the exposed legs to be the most attractive photo. b) Discussion Legs are a large part of body. From the ancient times, long legs are considered to be beautiful and attractive; this norm has never been doubt. This norm is determined by the living state of ancient human. Archeologists find out that most unnatural death of ancient human was death caused by wounds of their back side of head, like a scratch or a bite. This finding indicates that the ancient human were living in dangerous environment and always need to run to escape from predictors. Long legs give a person the ability to run away from cruel and deadly attacks so long legs are even more important than strong body for a person to survive. In this case, it is no surprise that men tended to choose women with long legs and are attracted by exposed legs. Fig. 1. 1.2 How short is too short? 1.2.1 Background information In this part of experiment, the leg was chose to be the part for quantitative experiment because it is more measurable than upper front body and gains more importance in the qualitative experiment than the back. We put the model in the same scale and measured the length of the dresses. The result of the experiment was predicted that the shorter the dress is, the more attractive the picture will be to the participants. 1.2.2 Results The result of the experiment is consistent with the prediction. Among 180 participants, 81 of them chose the shortest dress to be the most attractive one, while only 6 of them chose the longest one. Fig. 2. Chapter 2: Color Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. 2.1 Colors with sexual implications 2.1.1 Heu The experiment find out that participants prefer women in warm tune than in cold tune. The woman in red dress is considered to be the most attractive women by most participants, nearly 40%. 2.1.2 Saturation The picture of the women who wears the second most saturated color dress is favored by most participants, which is 156 out of 180. 2.1.3 Brightness The differences in brightness did not cause obvious change in participants answer. 2.1.4 Discussion The men’s favor on warm color can be traced back to the barbarian time when the people still lived in the jungle. In the nature, very few plants are in warm color, while human body is always in warm color, so warm color is a kind of distinction between human and nature. When a man was searching for a woman in the field, he would subconsciously search for warm color. The favor in red is also explicable. Women use red as a signal to show that their bodies are ready to intercourse. During the flush of sexual interest, the blood capillary of the face, neck and upper chest burst and the blood in it creates the red color the others see. Also, red lip is the sigh of a healthy body condition, another attractive figure to men. The participants’ favor of the second most saturated color can be explained this way: the less saturate the color is, the less emotional message it coveys. The most saturated color sends out too many emotional message that makes it aggressive, while the less saturated color is too pale make the women unapproachable. Only the second most saturated color sends out mild message and makes people feel safe and touchable. 2.2 Colors that show weak characters 2.2.1 Heu No obvious tendency has been should. 2.2.2 Saturation The third most saturated color picture has been chose to be the â€Å"weakest†photo by 60% participants, and the second most saturated color picture had 30% votes. 2.2.3 Brightness The brightest color has been chose to be the â€Å"weakest†photo by 50% participants, and the least bright color also got 30% votes. 2.2.4 Discussion The colors saturation is highly related to its impact of people. The more saturated the color, the stronger information it sends out, which could be considered as aggressive, confident or willful. This kind of emotional massage, will make the woman dressed in it looks confident and tough, so even she is beautiful, the man that is attracted to her may still worry about potential revenge and flinch from harassing her. Bright color makes people feel safe and relax, and is more feminine than darker color. In the ancient times, men go out to hunt food, everything they saw are in dark and dirty color. Only after they come back to the cave, they can see bright color such as women and babies. As time passes, the bright color was related to safe, relax and effeminate concepts. Therefore, if a woman is dressed in bright color, she may sends out a message that says she is weak and fragile, so men may tease her. Chapter 3: Dressing style 3.1 Loose and tight 3.1.1 Background information The tightness experiment is essentially about whether the revealed body shape is more attractive to men or the covered body shape is more fancy stirring. The shape of the body plays an important role in mate choosing, so the hypothesis of the experiment is that the participants would favor the women in the tight dress instead of the women in the loose dress. 3.1.2 Results The result of the experiment is consistent with the prediction. More than 54% participants chose the tightly dressed women to be the more attractive one. Fig. 6. 3.2 Uniforms 3.2.1 Uniforms that promote men’s interest Ranking from high to low, the uniforms that promote men’s interest are: nurse uniform, stewardess uniform, doctor uniform, army uniform, police uniform and then cook uniform. 3.2.2 Uniforms that decrease men’s interest Ranking from high to low, the uniforms that decrease men’s interest are: army uniform, police uniform, cook uniform, doctor uniform, nurse uniform and then stewardess uniform. Fig. 7. 3.2.3 Discussion of the reason of the â€Å"uniform phenomenon†To analyze the experiment data as a whole, we can see that the traditional female job uniforms are much more welcomed than the male job uniforms. This phenomenon can be explained in the â€Å"observational learning†theory. A man living in the society will be able to see things every day; this step is called â€Å"observation†. Then, he will connect his observation result with definitions he already knew, so the symbol and the concept are related in this way. This step is called study. When a man sees a police uniform or a army uniform, the person wearing it is always a man, so this observational study experience make him connect these uniforms with the concept of men. This kind of observational study experiences occur repeatedly and strengthen the connection. So when this man sees a police uniform, it is normal that he is not attracted because he subconsciously related them to his same sex. Participants’ favor on the traditional female job uniforms can also be e xplained in this theory by in opposite direction. To analyze the data more specifically, we can see the least attractive uniform, the cook uniform, is not the most frustrating uniform. Instead, it is the third frustrating uniform. The reason may be that the cook uniform is too loose and hide the woman’s body, so the participants cannot see how attractive the woman really is, so the uniform is the least attractive one. However, as cook is a work that does not have very specific gender definition, men also did not find it very frustrating. On the contrary, the army uniform, especially the female version, revealed the woman’s body shape, so many participants found her beautiful, but as it is also related to male concept, it is still the most frustrating uniform according to the experiment. Conclusion This paper has discussed the relationship between the women clothing and the emotional response that men feedback. This study set an experiment to find out how different aspects including exposed skin, color, and style of women clothing can effect young adult men’s emotion, then analyzed the experiment result in psychological and social sectors. The study introduced a new method of experiment in this topic, and then showed the data in diagram. The discussing part analyzed the result both generally and specifically. The study dug deep into human nature to disclose the hidden features that affect men’s mentalities. The study showed that human nature decided that men are more interested in breast, long, exposed legs and warm color. The research in psychology showed how the three measurements of color, heu, brightness and saturation can affect a woman’s glamour and show different personality. The observational study theory in social psychology area explains how men’s tastes on uniforms are formed in a certain society. The study confirmed that the women’s clothing can be the cause of men’s sexual arousal, and may also be negative stimulus to men’s moral sense. These findings provide a base for further research on relationship between scantily cladding and sexual harassment. The study has some obvious limitations. Only 180 participants are concluded in the experiment, which make the sample not strong enough. The experiment may also be affected by the participants’ honesty, for example, the participants may be ashamed of telling the interviewers that their favorite women is the most exposed one, this kind of problem may make the data invalid. References [1] Nicolas Guà ©guen (2011) The Effect of Women’s Suggestive Clothing on Men’s Behavior and Judgment: a field study Psychological Reports, 2011, 109, 2, 635-638 [2] Nicolas Guà ©guen (2012) Color and Women Attractiveness: When Red Clothed Women Are Perceived to Have More Intense Sexual Intent The Journal of Social Psychology, 2012, 152(3), 261–265 [3] Anouk Festjens (2014) Women Too Respond to Sexual Cues by Taking More Risks Harvard Business Review April 2014 [4] Andrew J. Elliotà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’Tobias Greitemeyer, Adam D. Pazda (2013) Womens use of red clothing as a sexual signal in intersexual interaction Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49 (2013) 599–602 [5] Valdez Patricia; Mehrabian Albert (1994) Effects of color on emotions Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Vol 123(4), Dec 1994, 394-409. [6] Arndt, William B.; Foehl, John C.; Good, F. Elaine (1985) Specific sexual fantasy themes: A multidimensional study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 48(2), Feb 1985, 472-480
Thursday, September 19, 2019
A Piece of Eden :: Observation Essays, Descriptive Essays
A Piece of Eden Cal Poly Swine Unit sits atop a hill at the end of Sports Complex road on fifteen acres of Cal Poly land that stretches along the railroad tracks, past the baseball and softball diamonds, the intramural soccer field for miles, and the rodeo arena where cowboys and cowgirls on horseback lasso and barrel race. The grounds of the swine unit looks like a piece of Eden. Fruit trees grow on a patch of cool green grass, and a pond that attracts birds and vegetation and is used for irrigation and sanitation purposes. The pond is there to recycle the runoff water and house the waste created by the pigs. Ducks love the reservoir because of the manure, plants and bugs it attracts. The pig barns surround this little oasis in a semicircle and house between twenty and thirty sows (females) and three boars (males). The barns look ancient on the outside, but inside they boast state of the art technology and equipment for feeding and caring for the swine. This technology is used by studen ts who are involved in the department of Animal Science to take care of the pigs. The Cal Poly Swine Unit was created to provide a â€Å"hands on, learn by doing†way of studying and raising pigs for the purposes of breeding, showing, and for meat sales. Within this program, students are taught management skills in the healthcare, reproduction, nutrition, and marketing of pigs. The students are trained to manage the farm from start to finish so they can prepare for a career in the livestock industry. Non-animal science students are welcomed to get involved with the swine department by raising a pig for show and/or meat sales as an extra source of income. Students in the swine department of animal science are required to take two introductory courses. The first is ASCI 222: systems of swine production. This class teaches students about the husbandry systems, management skills, feeding methods, evaluation of brood stock and progeny (breeding), and health management. The second is ASCI 350: applied nutrition. This course covers meat production, consumption patterns of the pigs, and feeding management in the commercial raising of swine. These specialized courses have given Cal Poly the reputation of having one of the best animal science departments in the nation.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Neurocomputers /article Review :: essays research papers fc
The dream of artificial intelligence that would allow a computer to learn, and thus get really smart, has proven to be something of a nightmare so far. That failure has lead biomedical engineer William Ditto and his team of researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University to look beyond silicon and even beyond light chips. Ditto points out that today’s processors may be a lot faster, but they’re not a bit smarter than they were 40 years ago. Ditto’s processor is designed with living tissue. The tissue being neurons taken from leeches because they are big, easy to use and they learn quickly. Neurons are able to process images more than a million times faster than the fastest computer (Sincell, 2000). The present review has two purposes: (a) to enlighten the reader that the quest to build smart computers, microchip engineers look beyond silicon and light to living nerve cells and (b) to suggest that this future technology could be the basis o f the next great computer wave.      The article being discussed out of Discover magazine states that brains derive tremendous problem solving abilities from two characteristics of their individual cells. First, a neuron can be in any one of thousands of different states, allowing it to store more information that a transistor, which has only two states, on and off (Sincell, 2000). Second, neurons can choose which other neurons to interact with by rearranging their own synaptic connections. Scientists have developed software that attempts to imitate the brain’s learning process using only the yes-no binary logic of digital computers with all the connections in a personal computer wired back at the factory. Breaking a single one of these connections usually crashes the computer. This is not a problem for a neurocomputer Ditto says, because dynamic chaotic systems like these naturally self-organize. An example of this would be the human heart. An isolated heart neuron simply sparks chaotically, without apparent intelligence. But when it is a part of the neuronal network in a living heart, it synchronizes with all the other neurons to create a steady heartbeat (Sincell 2000). The neurocomputer would work in a similar way. If a computer programmer posed a problem to a collection of neurons, such as create a regular heartbeat, the neurons would then figure out through trial and error how to rewire their own circuits to produce a steady rhythmic beat.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Family and Community Essay -- Brain Injuries Neurology Medical Essays
Family and Community The family will become experts in services for traumatic brain injuries(TBI); Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Department of Rehabilitation regulations, while trying to adjust to a family member who has had a TBI. Many times this beloved family member had been hanging on the edge of death for unending hours, days, weeks, or even months. When they come out of the coma, they are not the same as they were. In most cases they are not able to do what they used to do, and their behavior may be dramatically changed. This will cause significant stress in the family structure; statistics show that 90% of families facing TBI are not able to stay together. The community involvement will also change dramatically for these individuals because many in the community will view them as having psychological impairments comparative to schizophrenia; such impairments are widely misunderstood and discriminated against in our communities (Loudon). Research has shown that the quality of life of individuals that live with TBI is significantly lower in many areas, such as marital comfort, close friends, parenting, understanding self, socializing, and work, than their nondisabled counterparts. Individuals experiencing a mild form of TBI seem to become hyperaware of and hyperreactive to the challenge introduced into their lives as a consequence of TBI. This recognition of contrast in quality of life issues before the injuries and after may provide rationale for their experience that the quality of life plummets after injury. This can be compared with other individuals with severe injuries who do not focus on the contrast between their "old" and "new" lives... ... Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury: comparison with other living in the community. Head Trauma Rebabil: 13(4):1-23 California Code of Regulations April 28, 2005 Department of Rehabilitation, April 28, 2005 Retrieved May, 28 2005 TBI survivor D. Hildreth (personal communication April, 28. 2005) Johnson,Glen April 28, 2005 TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY SURVIVAL GUIDE. Retrieved May, 28 2005 Making Headway,Inc. Loudon, Cheryl 1125 3rd St. Eureka, CA 95501(personal communication May, 2 2005 MAXIMUS Ticket to Work Retrieved April, 28 2005 1-866-968- 7842 (TDD 1-866-833-2967) website at MAXIMUS Protection and Advocacy Systems - The Nation's Disability Rights Network (PAs/CAPs) May, 2 2005
Catharsis in As You Like It Essay
Literature is meant to teach. Its purpose is to shed light upon the soul and offer up the best and worst of humanity. All the stories we read, all the characters we relate to and begin to understand, they all have a tale to tell and a lesson to be learned. This is precisely what makes literature so vital to the human spirit. It is here that we enter the world of William Shakespeare’s As You Like It , a story set in a fantastical forest. As we follow the true love of Orlando and Rosalind and the brotherly betrayal by Oliver and Duke Frederick, readers begin to have a spiritual renewal, a cleansing of their spirit, while observing the conflicts that take place. As You Like It is a play where characters seek out truth and simplicity in the Forest of Arden, a mystical place that offers a chance for time to stop and the mind to mend. We come to believe, through the text, that there is an element of evil, but that it only exists in the court and society outside the forest. William Shakespeare involves â€Å"his characters in issues and events which force decisions literally touching the emotional strings of tragedy†(Champion 447) but without the death, destruction, and despair typical of that genre. The characters are safe to experience a new type of living while in the confines and safety of the wood and hopefully restore a balance they all so dearly strive for. The concept of catharsis was first discussed by Aristotle in his treatise Poetics , which was primarily a work on the aesthetics of poetry. He believed that â€Å"the poet’s aim is to produce pleasure in the spectator by eliciting from the representation the emotions of pity (for others) and fear (for oneself)†(â€Å"oetics†). He was in firm disagreement with his teacher Plato on the validity of catharsis, believing that the purging of emotions is beneficial. Although most readers associate catharsis with tragedy, especially works like Macbeth and King Lear , it is easily found in Shakespeare’s comedies. William Thompson, in his essay â€Å"Freedom and Comedy†, explains the differences between these two genres: â€Å"Comedy offers a way out, a rebirth; tragedy also offers a way out, but it is a way through evil, through death. Comedy avoids evil; tragedy confronts it†(216). Tragedy is a necessary element in a comedy; without out it there would be no conflict, thus no harmonious resolution for the end of the play. The moral lessons are not always as clear in As You Like It , as compared with the tragedies, but the same cathartic process takes place nevertheless. It is precisely through the mishaps and misfortunes of comedic characters, and the optimistic end they all experience, that gives the reader a â€Å"purification of †¦ emotions by vicarious experience†(â€Å"Catharsis†). The themes and actions of As You Like It reinforce, in a cathartic process, that evil, hate, and wrong-doing can be overcome with love, simplicity, and the generous nature of the human spirit. HBO’s As You Like It A fine example of the night and day relationship between brothers, and the spiritual renewal with both character and audience, is exemplified with the Dukes. At the beginning of the play the reader is informed that Duke Senior, the rightful ruler, has been usurped by his brother, Duke Frederick, and banished to the woods. Charles, a wrestler within the court, says that Duke Senior has â€Å"many young men flock to him every day and / fleet the time carelessly, as they did in the golden / world†(13; I. i. 116-118). We are given a comparison between the evils represented within the new court and the timelessness of the Forest. Duke Frederick, the usurper, continues his path of paranoia and wickedness when accusing his niece, Rosalind, of being her father’s spy. He commands: â€Å"Mistress, dispatch you with your safest haste, / and get you from our court†(37; I. iii. 40-41). Frederick not only wants his wronged niece out of court for fear of spying, but also because Rosalind is pitied by the people, and is a constant reminder of Frederick’s actions against his beloved brother. He rightfully wants to lead without his â€Å"good†brother overshadowing him in his subject’s eyes. All of the action up to this point is showing conflict and tragedy to the audience in preparation for the happy resolution of these events, giving a realistic depth to the problems faced, and allowing the audience to relate on a personal level. On the other hand, in the forest, Duke Senior is happy and content. He opens Act Two with a rousing speech championing simplicity and joy: Now, my co-mates and brothers in exile, Hath not old custom made this life for sweet Than that of painted pomp? Are not these woods More free from peril than the envious court? Here we feel not the penalty of Adam, (49; II. i. 1-5) How striking it is that after being overthrown and having his life shattered, Duke Senior finds joy, happiness, and freedom within the Forest of Arden – that the â€Å"penalty of Adam†does not touch him there. It gives hope to the readers – which changes in circumstances, that evil done by intimates, can still transform into something more valuable. To be cliche, yet appropriate, as one door closes, another opens. William Thompson theorizes that â€Å"comedy is a play about freedom, a play in which evil is mastered†(218). Here is the first instance of comedic catharsis, of evil being faced head on and destroyed – it is the spiritual renewal of Duke Senior’s soul after seemingly tragic events that would and does break other men. Another instance of the cathartic elements between brotherly conflicts occurs with Oliver and Orlando. The play opens with Orlando bemoaning his current affairs to his faithful family servant – â€Å"He [Oliver] keeps me rustically at home †¦ for call you / that keeping for a gentlemen of my birth that / differs not from the stalling of an ox†(7;I. i. 6-9). He is angered by the Elizabethan tradition that gives the eldest son the whole inheritance, and offers nothing to the siblings. While speaking with Oliver, during a physical altercation, Orlando accuses: My father charged you in his will to give me good education. You have trained me like a peasant, obscuring and hiding from me all gentlemanlike qualities (11; I. i. 65-69) Orlando simply wants to feel worthy of others, to have the confidence and ability of interacting at the upper echelons of society, something that a great majority of reader’s relate to. Themes of insecurity echo throughout the character arc of Orlando. Larry Champion explains that â€Å"the comic experience is frequently one of self revelation†(429) which can not occur until the brothers find themselves in the safety of the Forest. Oliver is commanded to enter the forest and find his brother, one who he tried to kill and admittedly one who he has â€Å"never loved my brother in my life†(91; III. 1. 13-14). With both brothers in the forest the concept of healing enters the audience’s mind, who understands that all will have to be well in the end, for this is still a comedy in nature. Oliver, while sleeping in the woods, is threatened by a snake and lioness. Orlando comes upon the scene and â€Å"twice did he turn his back and purposed so, / but kindness, nobler ever than revenge / †¦ made him give battle to the lioness†(165; IV. iii. 134-137). Oliver continues the tale saying that â€Å"When from the first to last betwixt us two / Tears our recountments hand most kindly bathed†(165; IV. iii. 148-149). The brothers have reconciled in the face of danger, their angers forced upon the beast within the magical forest. The healing in the play must cure the brothers de Boys for this comedy to make sense. If it did not, then Orlando and Oliver would simply be shallow impersonations of Edmund and Edgar from King Lear , offering little hope, little renewal to the audience, who would no doubt see pieces of themselves and their kin in Orlando and Oliver. It is the revelation of how the conflicts resolve themselves that offer up the cathartic healing. Perhaps the most optimistic cathartic elements of As You Like It occur during Orlando’s quest for â€Å"worthiness†of Rosalind. There first meeting offers hope against the backdrop of a courtly wrestling match. Orlando is fighting to save his honor and win from his brother the right to be educated as a gentleman, for he is very aware of his status. After winning the match Rosalind gives Orlando a token of her love, â€Å"Wear this for me – one out of suits with fortune, / That could give more but that her hand lacks / means†(32; I. ii. 244-245) for which Orlando is unable to respond. He is not, in his own mind, educated and worthy of her. This predicament will cause distress and drive the comedy in the following scenes, for â€Å"the comic hero recognizes a restraint upon his freedom, but he is no reforming philosopher †¦ and the closest evil †¦ is his own impotent and limited body†(Thompson 219). The reader is now set upon a course where the progress and growth of Orlando, as a worthy man, will meet head on with his true love in Rosalind. Deeper into the play we find Orlando caring for his elderly manservant Adam. They are fleeing the wrath of Oliver, in an unknown forest, hungry and tired. Orlando comes upon Duke Senior, and his men, brandishing a sword, commanding â€Å"Forbear, and eat no more†(79; II. vii. 92). Adam is dying of hunger and Orlando is desperate, he explains that â€Å"The thorny point / Of bare distress hath ta’en from me the show / Of smooth civility†(79; II. vii. 99-101). Orlando can not contemplate a world where this show of force would be inappropriate – he is in survival mode, having released his primal nature in the woods. Duke Senior, being entirely at ease in the magical forest, speaks lainly: â€Å"Your gentleness shall force / More that your force move us to gentleness†(79; II. vii. 107-108) and asks Orlando to â€Å"sit down and feed, and welcome to our table†(79; II. vii. 110). His lack of worldly knowledge coupled with the devastating effect of betrayal from his kin, leads Orlando to a world that he believes is savage, dark, and treacherous. What we all hope for is the shedding of his guard an d the reconciliation with Rosalind in true love giving the audience and reader a strong sense of faith. His acceptance of Duke Senior’s kindness is a first step to renewing a new faith in man. It is through the next three acts that the reader will watch the growth of Orlando. From his interactions with Jaques, to the practice wooing of â€Å"Ganymede†, Orlando gains the confidence needed to properly wed Rosalind. The audience finds this story of true love inspiring, proving that gentleness and persistence will be rewarded. By the end of Act Five all conflict has been resolved. The Dukes are reconciled, with Frederick entering the wood to find a religious monk. Oliver is married to Cecilia, being a changed man, and the better for it. The two young lovers Phebe and Silvious are forever wed, although immature in love. And of course Orlando, through his trials and tribulations, becomes worthy of Rosalind’s hand. Although we know that comedies end with happiness and we expect no sharp plot deviations, it is within the journey a character takes, and the manner in which adversity is handled, that a catharsis takes place. We are left with lessons learned, stored in the collective memory bank of experience what may ensue when you take, or don’t take, action. Put simply, catharsis is the emotional understanding of what may transpire at any given moment. Through the vicarious experience with a character, the shared feeling of their passion and pain, we are given the opportunity for growth without any of the real world consequences that may follow – this is the benefit, genius, and grace of a cathartic moment with literature.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Voucher Threat
A popular topic in education reform is the impact school vouchers will have on America†s public education. Public education is at a serious threat do to the debate over education vouchers. School vouchers will redirect the flow of education funding, channeling it directly to individual families rather than to school districts. This will result in less government funding going towards improving public schools, lowering class sizes, and purchasing supplies and may eventually cause the downfall of public education all together. The issues of school vouchers go beyond the classroom and are borderline unconstitutional. The idea of public funds being spent on private schools raises issues in its self. Public funds being spent on private religious schooling will raise interesting questions about the separation between church and state. Most nonpublic schools in America right now are run by religious organizations. Is it even constitutional for tax money to be spent religious schooling? One of the most widely believed untruths about school vouchers is that it will allow poor inner city kids to have more opportunities to go to private schools, however compelling this argument may seem the truth of the matter is that vouchers will siphon the money out of the cities public schools causing the children whose parents still cant afford the subsidized tuition of these pricey private schools to receive an inferior education and create a large underclass of students who are trapped in a public school without enough resources to receive a quality education. The fact of the matter is that school vouchers will create a competitive market in the education field causing the strongly funded private schools to thrive while the public schools that this country was built on to slowly deteriorate in quality due to fewer tax dollars being spent on the resources needed for public education to succeed. The action I would like to see the government take on this issue is to focus more attention on improving public education, instead of the redirecting of taxpayer†s money to private education. The choice is clear if more attention was placed on creating a better learning environment in our public schools all children could benefit not just those who can afford subsidized private schools. Instead of offering an alternative to ineffective unsafe public schools why not focus our attention on improving those schools. Taking money away from already troubled public school systems without offering any solutions to the existing problems is bound to create a downward spiral in the already shaky public school systems. The low impact approach I would take on this matter is to set up rallies especially in those areas where the vouchers would have the largest negative impact. Those areas being the troubled school systems of the inner cities. I would get forty or fifty people together to go to their local or district office and talk with their senator or state rep. I would start up a web page supporting my issue with links to advocacy groups and information that take a similar stand on the issue of school vouchers. In the web site I would also include a prefab letter explaining the negative effects of school vouchers that viewers could download, sign and send to there local or state representative to help support my issue. Furthermore I would write to the editors of my local newspapers and explain my stand on the issue in a small column that would reach many potential voters. As an attempt to get some free media attention while spreading the word of my issue I would hold a public forum on vouchers and have the local news cover it. The forum would inform citizens how they can get involved. I would hold the forum in a local schools gymnasium and try to get some influential speakers who support my issue in hopes to gain more supporters who will take action against school vouchers. In a high impact manner I would use an entirely different approach. Supposing I had a year off from life and 100,000 dollars to contribute to the fight against vouchers I would start by getting national attention. I would try to team up with some key officials in congress who take the same position as I do. I would try to hold a national rally against vouchers. As an attempt to gain wide range publicity I would set up a web site for volunteer support effort. I would use the web site to keep my supporters updated on rallies and protests supporting my cause. I would set up a national call in day via the web where I get membership of the site to call into congress and support our stand on the issues. I would help raise money by holding rallies and support groups for members of congress and other political leaders who are running for office and who support my issue. As would organize bus trips from inner cities around the country to Washington D. C. so that constituents could go to the members of congress that represent their district and explain to the congressmen their concerns with vouchers. All of these things would help to raise concern over school vouchers and hopefully have an effect on votes when the issue comes up in legislation.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Types of spoofing
Chapter 2: Types of Spoofing2.1 Distributed Denial of Service AttackThe IP spoofing is largely used in Distributed denial of service onslaughts ( DDoS ) , in which hackers are concerned with devouring bandwidth and resources by deluging the mark host machine with as many packages as possible in a short span of clip. To efficaciously carry oning the onslaught, hackers spoof beginning IP addresses to do tracing and halting the DDoS every bit hard as possible. Here the aggressor scans internet and identifies the hosts with known exposures and compromise them to put in onslaught plan and so exploits the exposures to derive the root entree. [ 6 ]2.2 Non-blind spoofingThis type of onslaught takes topographic point when the hacker is on the same subnet as the mark that can see sequence and recognition of every package. This type of spoofing is session commandeering and an aggressor can short-circuit any hallmark steps taken topographic point to construct the connexion. This is achieved by p erverting the DataStream of an established connexion, so re-establishing it based on right sequence and acknowledgement Numberss with the onslaught host machine.2.2 Blind spoofingThis type of onslaughts may take topographic point from outside where sequence and acknowledgement Numberss are non approachable. Hackers normally send several packages to the mark host machine in order to try sequence Numberss, which is suited in old yearss. Now a yearss, about every OSs implement random sequence figure coevals for the packages, doing it hard to foretell the sequence figure of packages accurately. If, nevertheless, the sequence figure was compromised, information can be sent to the mark host machine.2.4 Man in the Middle AttackThis onslaught is besides known as connexion oriented highjacking. In this onslaught chiefly the aggressor or the interrupter will assail the legal communicating between two parties and eliminates or modifies the information shared between the two hosts without their cognition. This is how the aggressor will gull a mark host and steal the informations by hammering the original host ‘s individuality. In the TCP communicating desynchronized province is given by connexion oriented highjacking. Desynchronized connexion is that when the package sequence figure varies for the standard package and the expected packet.TCP bed will make up one's mind whether to buffer the package or fling it depending on the existent value of the standard sequence figure. Packages will be discarded or ignored when the two machines are desynchronized. Attacker may shoot spoofed packages with the exact sequence Numberss and alteration or insert messages to the communicating. By remaining on the communicating way between two hosts attacker can modify or alter packages. Making the desynchronized province in the web is the cardinal construct of this onslaught. [ 12 ]2.5 DecisionAssorted types of IP spoofing and its onslaughts are explained in this chapter. Here we have discussed about four types of burlesquing onslaughts like Distributed Denial of Service Attack, Non-blind spoofing, blind burlesquing and Man-in-the-middle onslaught, and besides how these onslaughts can make jobs to destination machines. Various Security demands are discussed in the following chapter.Chapter 3: Security Requirements3.1 Network security demandsThe Internet became the largest public information web, enabling both personal and concern communications worldwide. Day to twenty-four hours the information trafficking is increasing exponentially over the internet universe and besides in the corporate webs. As the engineering is developing the velocity of communicating is increasing via electronic mail ; nomadic workers, telecommuters. Internet is besides used chiefly to link corporate webs to the subdivision offices. As the technolgy developed the use of cyberspace has became more and besides use of different engineerings became more at the same clip security menace besides became more and gave opportunity to more faulties to make at that place the corporations utilizing them should protect and increase the security.The web onslaughts became really serious as they are more effectual for the concerns because they store the of import and sensitive informations, as the personal banking records or the concern and medical studies. If the onslaught is done on such sort of corporates it is really hard to retrieve the doomed informations which besides leads to free the privateness and takes batch of clip to retrieve.The cyberspace would besides be the safest manner to make the concern Despite the dearly-won hazards.For illustration, It is non safe to give the recognition card inside informations to the telemarketer through the phone or even a server in the restaurent this is more hazardous than give the inside informations in the web because security engineering will protect electronic commercialism minutess. The telemarketers and servers may non be that safer or trustworthy because we can non supervise them all the clip. The fright of security jobs could be harmful to concerns as existent security voilates. Due to the misgiving on the cyberspace the fright and the intuition of computing machines still exists.For the administrations that depends on the web will diminish there oppurtunities due to this misgiving. To avoid this security constabularies should be purely taken by the companies and besides instate the precautions that are effective.To protect their clients Organizations should adequately pass on. Companies should take the security stairss to non merely protect there clients from security breaches but besides there employers and the spouses information which are of import for them. Internet, intranet and extranet are used by the employers and the spouses for the efficient and the fast communication.These communicating and the efficiency should be looked after because they are more effectd by the web onslaughts. Attackers do the onslaught straight because this takes the tonss of clip for the employers to retrieve and reconstruct the lost informations and takes much clip even in the web harm control. loss of clip and valuble informations could greatly impact employee effectivity and assurance. The other chief ground for the demand of web security is the Legislation. harmonizing to the serveys conducted by the authorities they came to cognize about the importance of cyberspace for the universes economic position, they besides recognize that the aggressors consequence on the cyber space could besides do the economic harm to the universe. National authoritiess are mounting Torahs to modulate the huge watercourse of electronic information. Companies developed the schemes to procure the day of the month in the safe manner in conformity to set up the ordinances given by government.The companies which does non take security constabularies to protect the information conformity will be voilated and penalized.3.2 System security demandsIn these yearss supplying security had became a tough undertaking for all the bisiness and the different administrations. Security must be provided to the clients and the of import informations to safeguard them from the malicious and nonvoluntary leaks.Information is really of import for every endeavor, it may be the usage records or rational belongings. By the CIOs it became possible to clients, employees and spouses to acquire the informations in fraction of seconds.The cost of money besides became more to make all these things.Ther e are three grounds for which this information may fall in hazard they are ( I ) when the concern procedure interruptions down ( two ) employee mistake ( three ) spreads in security. Hazard is so from client and competitory force per unit areas, regulative and corporate conformity, and the lifting cost promotion of informations leaks Information one of the of import resources of fiscal establishment ‘s. To maintain the trust between the spouses or develop the assurance in the clients it is more of import to supply the good security which will be helpful for the good traveling and the repute of the company. At the same clip reliable information is necessary to treat minutess and comfirm client determinations. A fiscal establishment ‘s net income and capital can be affected if the information leaks to unauthorised companies. Information security is one of of import procedure by which an organisation protects and secures its systems, media, and maintain information of import to its operations. The fiscal establishments have a great duties to protect the states fiscal service infrastucture On a wide criterion. The fiscal security of the client will beside s depends on the security provided to the industry systems and its informations.effective security programs should be taken by the Individual fiscal establishments and their service providersfor their operational complexness.there should be a strong and effectual board to keep and take attention of these security policies in order to protect the company from the security menaces or any other malicious attacks.there should be a regular guidance to the administrations on the security precations they take to supply the companies, so that we can acquire the more effectual consequences and can better the administrations security degree aswell. organisations frequently inaccurately recognize information security as status of controls. As the Security is an on-going procedure in overall security stance the status of a fiscal establishment depends on the index. Other indexs include the power of the establishment to continually measure its stance and react appropriately in the face of quickl y changing menaces, engineerings, and concern conditions. A fiscal establishment establishes and maintains truly effectual information security when it continuously integrates procedures, people, and engineering to palliate hazard in conformity with hazard appraisal and acceptable hazard tolerance degrees. By establishing a security procedure fiscal establishments secure there risks they recognizes hazards, forms a strategy to pull off the hazards, implements the strategy, tests the executing, and proctors the ambiance to pull off the hazards. A fiscal establishment outsources all of their information processing. Examiners use this brochure while measuring the fiscal establishment ‘s hazard direction procedure, including the duties, responsibilities, and occupation of the service beginning for information security and the oversight exercised by the fiscal establishment. [ 3 ]3.3 Information security demandsAn information security scheme is a program to palliate hazards while s taying by with legal, Statutory, internally and contractual developed demands. Typical stairss to constructing a scheme include the definition of control aims, the appraisal and designation of attacks to run into the aims, the choice of controls, prosodies, the constitution of benchmarks and the readying of execution and proving programs. The pick of controls is typically depends on cost comparing of different strategic attacks to minimise the hazard.The cost comparing typically contrasts the costs of different attacks with the possible additions a fiscal establishment could recognize in footings of increased handiness, confidentality or unity of systems and informations. These additions may include reduced fiscal losingss, improved client assurance, regulative conformity and positive audit findings. Any peculiar attack should see the followersPolicies, processs and criterionsTechnology designResource dedicationTesting andTraining.For illustration, an establishment ‘s directio n may be measuring the right strategic attack to the security supervision of activities for an Internet environment. There are two possible attacks identified for rating. The first attack utilizes a combination of web and host detectors with a staffed supervision centre. The 2nd attack consists of every twenty-four hours entree log scrutiny. The first option is judged much more capable of observing an onslaught in clip to cut down any harm to the establishment and its informations, even though at a much more cost. The added cost is wholly appropriate when establishment processing capablenesss and the client informations are exposed to an onslaught, such as in an Internet banking sphere. The 2nd attack may be suited when the primary hazard is reputational harm, such as when the Web site is non connected to other fiscal establishment systems and if the lone information is protected is an information-only Web site.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Gay community
But the same has never been accepted in any society of the world even though there are traces of such reactive that goes on off the curtain including India. Sherry Joseph through his study made an attempt to understand the Indian Gay and Lesbian movement through the wider perspectives of identity politics. In an era of gay and lesbian normalization, the homosexual immigrants of Indian subcontinent demanded in Britain and America: An agenda within a racist climate different from the agenda imposed by white gays and lesbians.The impact of colonial history and concepts of orientation upon world- views and perceptions has played a central role in how non white people have been defined†¦ Silenced in both south Asian patriarchal societies and the white gay communities in America and Europe, the south Asian gays and lesbians have had to invent themes, often with new terms of identification (2228). The identification of one†s sexual behavior is again the product of the western ide ology as the entire West rests on Christian values as their prime ideological moorings.In post colonial era scholars of the empire began to deliberate on a new terminology that can be conveniently used to identify people not preferring to be heterosexual. Thus came, the term alternate sexualities mainly as â€Å"an attempt to colonize the general notion and establish the existence of various expressions of sexualities surrounding scriptures, arts, life histories etc. â€Å"sheep: 2229). VOLVO. 1, ISSUE 5, JUNE 2014 www. Manipulability. Mom 41 Even with such terms the real scenario of gays and lesbians in India is that they continue to be a band of ostracizes group, socially excluded, and are subjected to homophobia. Attain is more concerned with the contemptuous view of the society upon the homosexuals what brought them down as a minority with a degradingly low social respect. He attempts to undo, if not legally approve, mainly homophobia, a ERM that refers to unreasonable fear of the gays or lesbians.A subjectivity of human beings is again centered with an appeal to all that they may in every way be treated as human being the way the third wave of feminism vouch for treating women not as a gendered identity, instead they should be looked at and thought of as human beings first . A change of attitude is the central focus. It†s a fact that the majority of people in any given society are heterosexual and the identity is based on the penetrate heterosexuality.Naturally, people with same sex behavior are not only a minority, but also practice of such is a taboo, inasmuch as the Judder- Christian values and beliefs held that non-procreative sexual acts were a sin against nature and consequently frowned upon in the culture. This value system shaped the legal binding on sodomy's as a criminal offence as seen in the Indian Penal Code (EPIC) Joseph: 2228). The entire world is still in a suspended state as to its stand on validating gay marriages on moral ground s and value system.The values also has undergone change over the years especially, after the postmodern scenario of anti essentialist and anti foundational. Gay and lesbian movement all over the world as caught the attention of people in general into thinking on the issue seriously. President and Founder of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, Matt Slick feels his concern to write on the subject as: Homosexuals want others in society to accept them as normal people with normal sexual behavior patterns. They are working hard to change moral, social, and political opinion to be more in line with what they want.They are not content to be by themselves. They want others to accept them as a philosophically, morally, and ideologically valid. They want to change the opinions of people. In short, they want to change society. Therefore, it is necessary to write about something that can so drastically affect the moral fabric of this country (Matt Slick. CARR). Attain also has felt the same concern for Indian homosexuals. Scriptural truth is a permanent reality, yet values keep changing over time with the multifarious development of the world in an ever changing world of ours.Further, Attain is Justified in his handling the controversial issues openly in drama as in the West the Journal like Human Events has Justified the cause that: If we are on the right side of one of the greatest social, oral and spiritual issues of our time, then we need to dig deep, hold our ground, strengthen our commitment and redouble our efforts, regardless of cost or consequence on an almost daily basis, the mainstream media assures us of two things: Just as many conservatives and VOLVO. ISSUE 6 42 traditionalists were on the wrong side of slavery, segregation and women†s rights, we are on the wrong side of the gay rights issue today†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ( Traditional Osteoarthritis Values) Indian gay and lesbian movement gained ground during ass onward and they have common goals of opting for same sex marital relationship or like a living- gather like any other heterosexuals. Both of the communities might be disapproved by the general Indian mass, yet they differ in terms of the power relation they occupy or the space they could create for themselves.Certainly, gays have greater dominance since they belong to masculine gender and India is always a male dominant society. Indian lesbians in the ass were part of the feminist movement but later on the tie is snapped off for the same reason of societal disapproval and homophobia. The active lesbian group like Khakis†in Bombay was initially a part of he feminist movement group, but later on it stopped receiving any communication or cooperation from the later. So, rightly lesbianism deserved its legitimate place in Indian society given the age old injustice to Indian women.The present status of Indian gay and lesbian groups are rooted to the emergence of south Asian gay and lesbian group publications in Europ e and America in ass of which Terrine, Sammie, and Dost were prominent. Whereas, at present only three groups in three metro cities like Bombay, Madras and Delhi are functional with least number of lesbians or women activists in them. Naturally, the lesbian women stand doubly marginal's, first by being women and then by being lesbians.Some of them may still be viewed as the marginal's of the marginal's who have been forced to be isolated -turned lesbians for being subjected to marital torture, dowry related oppression, sexual violence and so on. Thus, their sexual identification as lesbians is the result of their series of normalization and a shift of political consciousness. The gross normalization of the gay and lesbian community occurs from the dichotomy of home sexuality and heterosexuality.The policy of domination by the majority to minority, or by the powerful to the powerless has been as old as subjecting Eve to eat the forbidden fruit by Adam and thereby bring the hubris upo n the earth. Such prominent dichotomies are black and White races in America, immigrants and natives in Europe and the US, male/female and so on. Even among women, there are black and white women in the US, upper and lower caste women in India, and other common distinctions are based on class, race community all over the the world.The third wave of feminism has some common causality with the gay-lesbian movement. Women are looked as stereotypical image as wife or as a shadow to a an. Singletons is not accepted as normal in India. Such situation forces women to go for a marriage of convenience as the case happens in the Do the Needful where Lata and Lapels accepts marriage to maintain the status quo and later on they use the liberty to pursue their own choices .The gay movement†s claim of getting fair and equitable treatment as citizens of India is quite tenable and in unison VOLVO. 1 with the article 38(1) of the directive principles of state policies of the constitution of In dia that states : â€Å"The State shall strive to promote the welfare of the people by securing and protecting as effectively as it may a social order in which Justice, social, economic and political, shall inform all the institutions of the national life†( Directive Principles of State Policy) .Drama functions as an intellectual sap to the society mirroring the actual happenings on stage and this particular drama has shown the exact picture of the functioning of all gay people in India. It has helped creating more tolerance and space for them than it was before. Now it†s common that the gays and lesbians come together from across the country to show their solidarity and a sense f belongingness as a community by lending all possible supports for one another.Currently, India is on a path of new social and economic reformation of which class consciousness is replacing caste. Similarly, dominant social groups and structures based on tradition is giving way to differentiati ons which is again supported by its own discourse in a post modern setting that goes against any fundamental essentialist. On a Muggy Night in Iambi shows the intensity of gay love. The depth of experience is communicated through the stage setting in which the combination of the silhouette and the indoor present an outline of the condition ofIndian gay people as a whole to the audience. One of the prominent techniques of Attain is to create the dramatic tension which highlights the depth and breadth of not only a character but also engages the readers ‘audience into their own attitudinal turmoil to the reality of human experience. Individual talent and dramatic techniques help spinning a mindset of people toward more acceptances through a slow process of evolution.It is slow because the impact reverberates into the minds of an audience and the same helps consolidate their rational approach to the vexed issue to be translated into acceptance. Attain†s themes are tradition al Indian society and its design is to impact upon the gay, lesbian and on any one who is opposed to heterosexual as defined by society. The play is a realistic picture of society as to how does it affect an individual behavior when one is denied any self expression and hypocrisy is upheld for the sake of tradition.This leads to the visualization of the character against social expectations and the same question Shard in On a Muggy Night in Iambi is haunted by as the national anthem, not as the celebrated Jan Gang, Man†, but as what Makes A Man A Man†(Collected Play: 55). This question teems from his quest for existentialist and as important as the national anthem. Samples is engaged with a love of convenience or sham- love for Samples who only makes an attempt of love, but his heart is engaged somewhere else what evokes Shard†s laments: â€Å"l wasted a year of my life being a house wife for you and all I get is a kick in the ass!You beast (56)! Shard discovered that Samples was in love with Parka's, but he too was a wounded lover, for Parka's was more afraid of being banished by the society and hence, distanced himself. Shard loved Samples truly as he put on sinner†(vermilion) like traditional women ND wore bangles what he broke at a height of emotion, for what he found is now lost because of Parka's. Shard helped him forget his lost-love with Parka's but hardly could he do that as Parka's kept cropping up to his mind painfully.Shard could not conceal his frustration of unrequited love with Samples to Deeply†s catalytic remarks that they must be back to terms of their love -relations: â€Å"If I had a lover, would I be such a bitchy? †Immediately, Deeply gets back to her natural sense of empathy for the female species saying that: Mimi can call yourself a dog, call yourself a pig, but never, ever insult a female†(59). Shard, while suggesting the guard to be shameless, accepts that the gay people are all shameles s, but this comes as his deep protest against such societal taboo upon them.Deeply is more of a flat character as she does not undergo any complex changes of life and performs more like filler, yet she is dynamic in her response to a conflicting situation which is expressive of her internal dialogues, put forward as external dialogues and reactions at various points in the dramatic narrative. That†s the reason that she retorts to the example of a bitchy. She o becomes more revelatory in her plea for an acceptance for gay people.Hence, she as with Shard stands between the two categories of round and flat characters in its literary sense; or rather they are an admixture of these two and hence may be labeled as catalytic character, who help manifest the main or dynamic characters like Samples or Deed/Parka's. She pleads for the gay men†s cause more than her own category of lesbians: â€Å"l am for gay men†s cause. Men deserve only men! (60). A distinct psychological mooring upon which one†s sexual behavior rests upon is set by the dominant discourse of any society.Attain sets a discourse through everyday language and out-on -the- street characters through distinct mode of sexism. For example, Deeply and Samples never feel any love for each other in a sense of love- making. It†s made clear when Deeply expresses that if Samples were a woman, they could be in a love and the same is reciprocated in opposite terms and finally Deeply asserts: â€Å"If we were heterosexuals, we would be married†(65).Deeply feels proud of being a woman: â€Å"Every time I menstruate, I thank God I am a woman†, the same word are suggested in a different way by Shard to register his contempt for all those who en any space for gay or lesbians: â€Å"Every time I menstruate, I thank God I am not pregnant†(66). Samples in the gathering of his gay and lesbian friends is obsessed with his lost love and separation with Parka's and in turn he makes Shard†s life miserable. In other words, victim turns into victimizer.Parka's, at the initial stage of the drama is a victim of social pressure what is made clear in the words of Samples himself: â€Å"He left me because he was ashamed of our relationship†(69). Samples was visiting a homophobic psychiatrist to get rid of his depression but the psychiatrist plunged him into a worse situation out of his own abomination of such gay people, for he believed only in aversion therapy which brought further depression to Samples as he VOLVO. 1 45 recalls: â€Å"Until he said I would never be happy as a gay man.It is impossible to change society, he said, but it may be possible for you to reorient yourself†(69). Arrant termed the doctor†s eccentric and homophobic view as primitive idea. In fact, the society is the great barrier what Attain†s dramatic technique and making of the characters unravel as an anti-venom against a venom of hatred for all these p eople who are trundling to be accepted as human beings and human dignity in the society. Bunny, the TV actor, too has experienced the same treatment of homophobia and non acceptance as gay.While all the gay friends assembled at Samples†s residence to sympathize with the tragedy of Samples, Sheehan music was pouring in. They show their antipathy by turning on CD player, for they are anguished as no such celebrations are solemnizes for them and hence, such rituals or music is, filthy hot air†(73) for them. Here, one contrast is shown: one marriage is going on with social gaiety amid colors and USIA down stairs and upstairs apartment is witnessing a break up of a gay marriage with the chanting of parallel mantra: â€Å"†¦This city and God are witness to my vow , I break all ties with Parka's†(73). Love for each other for these two friends is so strong that Samples could not tear up the Joint photograph with Parka's symbolizing their conjugal relationship. From the episode of separation between these two friends begins the tragedy of Koran, a dear sister of Samples himself. She was introduced to Deed by Samples since four years.The gathering at Samples†s flat upstairs in Act l, is the hot bed of making ND breaking all gay relationship and the trauma they bear silently throughout their lives. Koran came to know for the first time in that gathering that her brother is being treated for depression. When she goes to the bedroom to unpack her belongings she is visible to the audience that she was placing a photograph on the side table indicating not only her knowledge of the relationship of her brother, but also as a powerful symbol of her ensuing tragic course of life.All the three Acts are three in one. Psychic turmoil of all the characters, their pleasure and pain, frustration and evolve against the society are balanced placing them in the silhouette and the front show of the stage setting. This Juxtaposition of interior and the exteri or or the front and the back stage against each other is to create a deep impression on the audience†s mind as to the conflicts that goes in their consciousness, yet how they struggle to reconcile with the stern reality of society- a reality divorced from free expression and fair play.Samples the main character of the drama is brought in the Act II with brilliant dramatic technique in which he walks by Deed at the lonely park at round 8. 30 PM, yet not visible to the audience. He has throttled a few pegs to get rid of his depression and he divulges the fact of his coming to the park as to let someone know his story before he ends his life by committing suicide. Someone exactly listens to his story (history? ) who, in turn, is the exact cause of such wretched condition of life.Social paranoia is what troubled Deed as he was a little more reactive to people†s suspicion about his gay relationship with Parka's that turned him into hyper vigilant against any social threat fr om any quarter. Samples struggles or visibility of such relationship against the blind sensibility of average people: â€Å"They can†t see us at all, although we can see them. They must be blind†(81). Then, Samples asks Deed to close his eyes, stand behind him and kiss gently to discover: â€Å"Can you see how beautiful we are†(82)?Through long pause and silence after this warmth of feeling of the two old lovers, fading light, slow music and then Samples†s appearance on front show of the stage to Join the gathering of his friends of Act I while the light reappears to create a sense of change of time and space, is a reliant technique of creating two distinct mental spaces into the minds of the audience: to recreate the subtlety of feelings of these two men off the glare of the everyday world in their minds and the dreary intercourse of the same world under the visibility of everyone in which hardly they could feel proud of and contented with what they are all about.Surreptitious orchestration of pause and silence, music, light are done to heighten their speed of the stream consciousness natural to all human beings. Social pressure is so enormous that Deed†s psychiatrist could convince him that is love is the work of a devil and through regular church going alone could absolve him of such devil. Samples also believes it and so he wants to avoid showing the photograph of their love making to his own sister, Koran, who is now going to be married with Deed. On the other hand Arrant, an European immigrant, is contrasted with his Indian counter parts of gay community.In Europe he has greater freedom of being honest to his sexual behavior but in India he might not expect the same degree of freedom: â€Å"There is such a thing as honesty. Or maybe it is the company you keep. Or maybe the company I am in†(88). Further Arrant is perturbed seeing closet homosexuals†in India and he regrets being an Indian on grounds of his v antage point of Western immigration. His statement to Bunny echoes the shifting subject of spirituality in Indian society: â€Å"l can†t seem to be both Indian and gay. But you are simply ashamed. All this sham is to cover up your shame (88).The hypocrisy of Indian society is again substantiated through Bunny†s character. He belongs to Sikh community, yet he avoids wearing a turban as he would be subjected to stereotypical role of being a Seaward . The characters are designed skillfully representing every type and category of India gay and lesbian people on stage in an effort to producing a gay ambiance within an hour or two to show what India is passing through presently. The real plight of this marginal's community is made clear in exact terms through Deeply†s words that it is more fear of being ostracizes or a subject of homophobia than any stigma of shame attached to them.Basic human dignity is at stake for all these people in general. Being woman and lesbian is more pathetic in India when Deeply makes it pretty loud and clear: â€Å"It†s not shame, is it? With us? It†s fear†¦ Of the VOLVO. 1 47 corners we will be pushed into where we don†t want to be†(89). Attain†s effort has been to widen this corner of Indian society to make it at least as large as to accommodate these innocent Boniface citizens of a sovereign country, known for its age old tolerance and universal acceptance.Of course, India as a nation could be described in no better terms than the first address at the world parliament of religion at Chicago by Swami Vaccinated: â€Å"l am proud to belong to a nation which has sheltered the persecuted and the refugees of all religions and all nations of the earth†(Vaccinated: 3). Naturally, Attain has every reason as an artist to reinstate the glory of this great nation by upholding the cause of the marginal people toward greater tolerance and acceptance for all. Equally fluctuating is the condition of Shard†s mind after being broken from Samples.He too wants to force his way to be straight , to be a real man only to be accepted by the society, even though he knows deep down within himself that he is as gay as a goose†and seeks the advice of a psychiatrist only to invite a fresh misery in his life. Koran still thinks wishfully of a happy bond between her brother and Shard as she recalls her own life of solitude after divorce. She also warns about the gravity of misery a woman undergoes in this country Just because of male dominance.Shard†s decision to act like a straight might shatter a woman†s life: â€Å"And think of the poor woman. You may end up marrying Just as a cover up for your shame†(102). Bunny accepts that he is a gay man and keeps deceiving people through his constant denial and in the process all such gay people vacillates between the world of reality and the world of sham, finding no permanent anchor to embrace with full ness of heart. The last scene of Act Ill lays bare the absurdity of life of all the gay people on stage who are representative of entire gay community.Deed is the most pathetic character not only for Deeply, but also for every viewer or reader the way he has shattered the lives of Samples and Koran. He also could not remain immune to this wretched condition of life as a closure look and a psychological delving into his character reveals that he is more sinned against than sinning. His very purpose of marrying Koran was a matter of convenience so that he could continue his love for Samples without any suspicion from any one. Certainly, in the process he could save one life at the cost of the other and the other is a woman.Koran, while looking at the photograph of Deed and Samples kissing each other, cries out through the open window leading to the vacuous blue sky of Bombay. She must have felt the void of the sky more than anyone else who has not passed through the tormenting labyrin th of life like hers. She is that subaltern woman, conditioned to tolerate torture and untold suffering. She remembers her past life as to how she used to be beaten up by her husband ND still she continued to accept and digest all these as she believed and felt that he loved her: â€Å"l felt he loved me enough to want to hurt me†(107).She questions Deed†s motive of marrying her and the answer comes out as her dramatic monologue that all such gay people behave in a stereotypical manner VOLVO. 1 as â€Å"we Just don†t know what else to be†(107) ! The imagery of the photograph with Deed as the best couple on the floor that appears in her mind matches with the vacuous blue sky to condense the absurdity of her life. The explosion of fireworks, colored sights and loud screams of delight from the ground floor heightens the inner turmoil of a saddest thought, perhaps churning an existential dilemma in her mind.Deed in utter shame and disgust for life is complete ly broken down: â€Å"Where do I begin? How do I begin to live†(111)? All the characters on stage are suddenly plunged into existential dilemma in the world of uncertainty and absurdity of life. The height of the dilemma in the last scene is accentuated by more firecrackers and lusty yells from the wedding below. Lights are slowly fading to beckon the void while the pictures of Deed and Samples and Koran ND Samples are slowly evanescent from the minds of the audience before it is completely engulfed into darkness.The stage setting and delineation of the pathos of the characters, here, Just reminds one the most exact definition of short story by Arbitration Étagà ¨re: Simple events of life happy or sad, Some sad strings from the train of forgetfulness, Not fraught with heavy descriptions, Not crowded with events, No advice, no philosophy Only the feeling that the story is not yet over Although there is no more to read! (Bangladesh) Conclusion: The queer characters repres enting both the gays and lesbians of urban diddle class India undergo a tortuous Journey of visualization due to homophobia and social boycott of such people.Attain has been true to his calling as a dramatist to show their painful odyssey of modern India, yet how the issue escapes the thinking mass to be considered for an acceptance and a right place in the society. It†s rightly an odyssey as the victims at times turn into victimizers; thereby bringing upon them a series of miseries, little knowing what exactly ails them. The dramatist has won the heart of every one by bringing this cause of ailment, the whole truth of it, on stage with all sincerity of purpose.
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