Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Existing Home Automaton Systems Controlled via the internet Essay
Existing Home Automaton Systems Controlled via the internet - Essay Example The internet technology plays an important part in such automation, as these homes are also called ‘smart homes’ or ‘e-homes’. The innovative technology and software available currently for home automation systems ensures the safe and secure life, while providing mobile and email alerts about the happenings at home to the specific user who may be away to far-off locations. The ‘know and control kit’ as shown in the picture above puts the mobile phone in control of almost all gadgets in the home. Accordingly, it monitors the lighting devices, temperature of different systems such A/C or heating arrangements, locks and other safety devices, among others. The email notifications and mobile alerts provide reports regarding the function of each device. Although various manufactures supply such kits, the ‘Smart Things’ kit comprises of two multi-sensors, 2 sensors responsible for detecting the presence of anyone in the home, 2 additional motion sensors, Ethernet cable with power cord and the necessary outlet plug. The kit comes with all required batteries. The Ethernet cable ensures connection of the system kit to internet. As and when the kit detects some kind of motion by people, cars or pets, it sends an alert to the owner. It also sends early warnings on the detection of any leakage, presence of carbon monoxide or smoke in the home. There are no installation hassles or any kindly of monthly contract fees attached to this kit. While the user has complete control over the gadgets working at home, there is no remedy in the event of any accident or hazard that occurs due to malfunction of any device. The system cannot help much in such cases except sending immediate email or mobile alerts. The following image represents a ’Belk in’ Net Cam, which has Wife connectivity along with a camera that can
Monday, October 28, 2019
Atomic Isotopes Essay Example for Free
Atomic Isotopes Essay Answer the following questions about the results of this activity. Record your answers in the boxes. Send your completed lab report to your instructor. Dont forget to save your lab report to your computer Reference Isotope Half-Life Chart Isotope ProductHalf LifeCarbon-14Nitrogen-145730 years Potassium 40Argon 401,280 million yearsRubidium 87Strontium -8 748,800 million yearsThorium 232 Lead 20814,010 million yearsUranium 235 Lead 297704 million yearsUranium 238 Lead 2064,470 million years Activity 1 Calibration Place your data from Activity 1 in the appropriate boxes below. Calculate the age of the calibration standards using the following information. Fraction of sample remaining remaining ppm of sample/initial ppm of sample Age of sample half-life value of isotope X number of half-lives elapsed Calibration Standard Initial ppm Remaining ppm Age of Standard Low Carbon-14 High Uranium-235 Explain if the instrument appears to be calibrated based on the data you obtained for the Low Calibration Standard. Explain if the instrument appears to be calibrated based on the data you obtained for the High Calibration Standard. Explain which would be the best isotope from the Isotope Half-Life Chart to measure a 3 billion year old specimen. Activity 2 Place your data from Activity 1 in the appropriate boxes below. Calculate the age of the calibration standards using the following information. The initial carbon-14 content of the tree specimen is 6 of the carbon-12 content of the specimen. The initial carbon-14 content of the insect specimen is 8 of the carbon-12 content of the specimen. The initial carbon-14 content of the bat specimen is 8 of the carbon-12 content of the specimen. Formulas Estimated initial carbon-14 content of carbon-12 ppm value (from above) X carbon-12 in specimen/100 Fraction of carbon- 14 remaining in sample remaining ppm of sample/initial ppm of sample Age of sample half-life value of carbon-14 X number of half-lives elapsed Sample Carbon-14 ppm Carbon-12 ppm Estimated Initial Carbon-14 Estimated Age of Specimen Tree Fossil Specimen Insect Fossil Specimen Bat Fossil Specimen Explain how you obtained the estimated initial value of the carbon-14 content. Describe if the age of the each specimen is likely a realistic value. You will need to use the web to evaluate the approximate age of the oldest specimen that is possible for trees, insects, and bats.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Cars as a Symbol in The Great Gatsby Essay -- Fitzgerald Great Gatsby
Cars as a Symbol in The Great Gatsby Cars play a very important part in the telling of The Great Gatsby. The Great Gatsby is a very dark, unhappy book, and the cars really exemplify this. "à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦cars change their meaning and become a symbol of death" (Dexheimer). Cars also give the reader insight into some of the different characters in the book. One of the most important jobs of cars in this book is to foreshadow upcoming events. Throughout the book, there are many devastating and dark events that these cars represent. A line from the book that really drives this home is, "So we drove on toward death through the cooling twilight" (Fitzgerald 143). Fitzgerald deliberately chose to put the words drove, implying cars, and death, together. This is an idea that appears many times. The dead man went An incidence of this is when Nick and Gatsby are driving over the Queensboro Bridge on their way to the valley of ashes. This paragraph in the book is very dark, and it helps set the awful mood for the rest of the book. A dead man passed us in a hearse heaped with blooms, followed by two carriages with drawn blinds and by more cheerful carriages for friends. The friends looked out at us with the tragic eyes and short upper lips of south-eastern Europe and I was glad the sight of Gatsby's splendid car was included in their somber holiday. As we crossed Black Wells Island a limousine passed us, driven by a white chauffeur, in which sat three modish Negroes, two bucks and a girl. I laughed aloud as the yolks of their eyeballs rolled towards us in haughty rivalry. (Fitzgerald 73) On this bridge, any number of different types of cars could have driven by, but a hearse and a black limousine were chosen to help .. ...ruption in the novel" (Symbolism in The Great Gatsby). "Instead of being a 'rich cream color,' a witness is quoted saying 'It was a yellow car,' implying that the dream is dead" (Swygert). In the East Daisy becomes corrupt, and the color change is the way that the reader is shown this change in her, and the death of Gatsby's dream of marrying Daisy. As I have shown, cars play a very important part in helping portray the darkness in The Great Gatsby. The cars symbolize the death and despair of the story and help to characterize some of the main characters. Works Cited Dexheimer, Melissa, Lauren Locke and Mosang Miles. "Student Led Seminar Presentation and Summary". Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995. Swygert, Shavaun. "Color Symbolism in The Great Gatsby". 1 June 1998. "Symbolism in The Great Gatsby".
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Puppy vs. Dog
Buying a Puppy vs. Buying an Older Dog Since the Internet was not working, I had to chose another theme to write about. I picked the theme â€Å"Buying a Puppy vs. Buying an Older Dog. †These two topics don't have much in comparison, but they are very different. Buying a puppy at a very young age can be a difficult or easy process, depending on how you train the puppy. Buying an older dog is very tricky in many ways. There are very few comparisons about buying a puppy versus buying an older old. One comparison is that they are both pets.They are alike by there structures and mannerisms. Another comparison is that they are a very good companionship to you and your loved ones. There are many different things about a new puppy and an older dog. For one thing if you buy a puppy, you can train the puppy to the way of life your used to living to. You can train your puppy to be on a schedule. If you buy an older dog, it may not be trained. Older dogs aren't as easily trained as youn ger puppies. A puppy can grow up knowing who you are and get familiar to you and the people around you.An older dog may have had a bad past, and may be meaner or not as friendly towards others. The older dog won't be familiar to you, your family, or the people around you. I think you should buy a puppy instead of buying an older dog. If you are looking to buy an older dog, you have to look at the dogs past and determine if it is going to be easier (for you and the dog) to train a puppy or have to teach an old dog new tricks. To me, it will be easier to buy a new puppy versus buying an older dog. Puppy vs. Dog Buying a Puppy vs. Buying an Older Dog Since the Internet was not working, I had to chose another theme to write about. I picked the theme â€Å"Buying a Puppy vs. Buying an Older Dog. †These two topics don't have much in comparison, but they are very different. Buying a puppy at a very young age can be a difficult or easy process, depending on how you train the puppy. Buying an older dog is very tricky in many ways. There are very few comparisons about buying a puppy versus buying an older old. One comparison is that they are both pets.They are alike by there structures and mannerisms. Another comparison is that they are a very good companionship to you and your loved ones. There are many different things about a new puppy and an older dog. For one thing if you buy a puppy, you can train the puppy to the way of life your used to living to. You can train your puppy to be on a schedule. If you buy an older dog, it may not be trained. Older dogs aren't as easily trained as youn ger puppies. A puppy can grow up knowing who you are and get familiar to you and the people around you.An older dog may have had a bad past, and may be meaner or not as friendly towards others. The older dog won't be familiar to you, your family, or the people around you. I think you should buy a puppy instead of buying an older dog. If you are looking to buy an older dog, you have to look at the dogs past and determine if it is going to be easier (for you and the dog) to train a puppy or have to teach an old dog new tricks. To me, it will be easier to buy a new puppy versus buying an older dog.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Crusades Seen as a Whole Had Primarily Negative Consequences for Europe
The Crusades referred to the series of military campaigns that Western European Christians carried out in order to free the Holy Land from Muslim control. From 1096 to the late 13th century, these religious wars were waged against both internal and external opponents of Christianity. The Crusades, however, eventually became â€Å"any (form of) military effort by Europeans against non-Christians†(MSN Encarta, n. pag. ). Under the guise of militant Christianity, it was used as a means of European expansion (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ).Most of the effects of the Crusades in Europe proved to be very detrimental. For one, the power of the Papacy was increased. Crusaders who were either preparing for battle or returning home from combat gave vast tracts of land to the Roman Catholic Church in exchange for prayers and pious benedictions (Middle-Ages. org. uk, n. pag. ). Consequently, the Pope abruptly became more affluent and influential than most monarchies during this period. This sudd en increase in wealth, in turn, allowed him to institute both spiritual and secular supremacy over the royalty (Infoplease, n. pag. ).It is no longer surprising, therefore, if the Popes during the Crusades were always involved in power struggles and disputes with several European monarchs. Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I and King Henry II of England were embroiled in a squabble with Pope Alexander III. Despite strong opposition from Emperor Otto IV and Emperor Frederick II, Pope Innocent II declared himself as the virtual ruler of the West. The quarrels between the Popes and the monarchs in this period became so frequent that it ultimately became the basis for a papacy’s clout (Infoplease, n. pag. ).Another negative consequence of the Crusades in Europe was the senseless murder of non-Christian peoples both inside and outside the continent. The Crusaders’ decision to attack Constantinople, for instance, was motivated by the need to pay off their debt to Venice. The paym ent of the Crusaders to the Doge Enrico Donalo – 86,000 marks – ended up short of 34,000 marks. To compensate for the missing amount, he convinced them to assault Constantinople. Donalo had a hidden agenda – Constantinople â€Å"was the main obstacle to prevent Venice from rising to dominate the trade of the Mediterranean Sea†(Roman-Empire. net, n. pag. ).The Crusaders invaded Constatinople on April 13, 1204. They stripped Orthodox churches of their mosaics, vestments, religious scriptures and altar pieces. Thousands of innocent civilians were also killed. Moreover, Venice was able to occupy Greece shortly afterwards (Cooke, n. pag. ). The Roman Catholic Church used the Crusades within Europe to increase its membership and dominion. The Crusaders in the Baltic, for instance, were infamous for seizing the lands of Orthodox Christians in Russia and other parts of Eastern Europe.One of the Crusaders’ organizations in the Baltic, the Teutonic Knights, violently slaughtered pagan tribes such as the Letts, the Balts and the Livs. The Archbishop of Riga urged Pope Clement V in 1308 to put an end to the carnage, to no avail (Ekelund, Tollison, Hebert, Anderson and Davidson, 147). In Spain, paramilitary orders such as the Belchite and the Monreal sequestered lands for the nobles and the Roman Catholic Church. These groups were able to carry out their operations under the guise of â€Å"(opening) a new route to Jerusalem along the North African coast†(France, 145).But the truth was that they were merely pawns in the desire of the Roman Catholic Church and the nobles to acquire more land. Religion was used to get away with injustice. It would be fair to say, therefore, that the Crusades was one of the darkest chapters of human history. The original teachings of the Roman Catholic Church – charity, forgiveness, compassion – were distorted to suit secular and military interests. Consequently, other religions were vi olated and their followers killed. Religion became a means of enriching a selected few.Works Cited Cooke, Nicholas A. â€Å"The Sack of Constantinople. †2000. St. Michael the Archangel Church. 14 November 2008 . â€Å"Crusades. †2008. MSN Encarta. 9 December 2008 . â€Å"Effects of the Crusades. †n. d. Middle-Ages. org. uk. 9 December 2008 . Ekelund, Robert Burton, Robert D. Tollison, Robert F. Hebert, Gary M. Anderson, and Audrey B. Davidson.Sacred Trust: The Medieval Church as an Economic Firm. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. France, John. The Crusades and the Expansion of Catholic Christendom, 1000-1714. New York: Routledge, 2005. â€Å"In the Middle Ages. †2008. Infoplease. 9 December 2008 . â€Å"The Sack of Constantinople: The Conquest of Constantinople by the Crusaders in AD 1203/1204. †n. d. Roman-Empire. net. 9 December 2008 .
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Healthcare at a Crossroads Essays
Healthcare at a Crossroads Essays Healthcare at a Crossroads Paper Healthcare at a Crossroads Paper As a non-profit organization, JCAHO or known as the Join Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals, its main responsibility is to ensure that the medical facilities from the physical building of hospitals to the physicians themselves. JCAHO is defined as â€Å"the prime accrediting body for health care institutions that are Medicare and Medicaid funded†(Zerwekh and Claborn, 2006). Its reputation as an organization reached the status which requires almost all hospitals to be accredited by JCAHO to be able to operate continuously. It is being considered as the main source of establishing the standards of American healthcare as well as in other parts of the world. JCAHO is an institution where the healthcare is being defined according to its criteria and accreditation. With the growing issue on implementing reforms on American healthcare, JCAHO consistently resreach ways in addressing the issues surrounding health care. Such issue involves the establishment of a data collecting system before any reforms can be made on U.S. Health care. JCAHO stressed that this is necessary because when there is an established system or strategy on data gathering, the areas of improvements will be easily determined. The report on the Development a National Performance Measurement Data Strategy states that there should be an existing body or department to measure the performance level of medical facilities to develop a higher quality and accessible American health care. A framework should be built to be able to have systematic and clear process of what and how data should be gathered. Subsequently when theres an established framework already, JCAHO proposes to build a data highway so that all information are filtered and theres only one organized database where electronic records will retrieved for convenience and protecting the privacy of the patient. The JCAHO pertains to the establishment of â€Å"the ability to share and merge data that has become crucial to developing consistent and true assessments of care†(Reuters, 2008). The proposal of a national measurement data strategy made by JCAHO can be a huge step forward in finally making reforms in the American health care. A systematized data gathering is important to be able to know who are not receving health care, how many percentage of the American citizens does not have access to insurance, and other essential statistics that will help shape specific reforms in addressing the issue of healtcare. JCAHO enumerated some aspects in which data gathering will be extremely helpful. First is measuring the performance level of physicians through a separate infrastructure called the Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI). Another aspect of gathering data is supervised by the Society for Thoracic Surgeons which keeps disease-specifice records and this fall under the category of healthcare practices and procedures (The Joint Commission, 2008, p. 18). Then data gathering for patients, more specifically, the establishment of inpatient census which determines the â€Å"number of patient present in the healthcare facility at a particular point in time†(Horton, 2007, p. 32). Those are just three examples of varying fields of data gathering that should be maintained and done to monitor the over-all condition of American healthcare. There are so many aspects from the number of hospitals to the detail of drug prescriptions that needs to be organized through a data gathering system. The challenge lies in merging all of these small branches of data gathered in healthcare to be able to have the ideal organized and unified medical record applicable for the whole America. Another challenge is to put up the categories of the fields, more of like sub-departments under a single infrastructure which will serve as the data highway for propagating the gathered information. Unitd States is one most powerful country, populous and diverse in demographics and even before experts could establish the categories under healthcare, the citizens of America should be carefully determined since healthcare is solely for the welfare of the populace. There are so many proposals made to be able to push for healthcare reform such as what JCAHO did. However, it seems like the issue of healthcare remains to be a confusion and vague concept within the majority of the American people. What JCAHO prepared is a detailed and perhaps a feasible step to move forward to the healthcare reform. The innovation of America to solve this is not to be underestimated maybe what is lacking here is a strong political will. References Claborn, J.C. and Zerwekh, J.G. (2006). Nursing Today. USA: Elsevier Health Sciences. Horton, L.A. (2007). Calculating and Reporting Healthcare Statistics. USA: American Health Information Management Association. Powers, K. (2008, March 6). The Joint Commission Urges Development of a National Performance Measurement Data Strategy. Reuters. Retrieved April 8, 2009, from
Monday, October 21, 2019
The eNotes Blog Having a Ball at theMOTH
Having a Ball at theMOTH Last week I caught a live show called The Moth. Perhaps youve heard of it? Its a little like a live version of This American Lifeordinary people (some aspiring writers and performers, many not) headline a show in which they each have five minutes to tell a true story on a theme. On the night I was lucky to spectate, the theme was simply The Deep End. Performer after performer came to the stage to relay their amazing true tales, which could at once be heartwarming, thrilling, bitter, hilarious, somber, you name it. The stories ranged everywhere from a womans return from rehab, to a honeymooning couples view from a Nepali mountaintop, to a wifes desperate plea to stop her husband from taking a bullet for the sake of his Native ancestry. There wasn’t a badly told story amongst them, which meant that what I took from this show was the understanding that everybody has a great story to tell. What most of us need is the guts to tell it, of course, but also the right medium thro ugh which to tell it. For you that may be The Moth (which accepts applications to appear on its main stage year-round, by the way) or it may be by leaving a piece of your art out on the street, waiting to be discovered. It may be through Twitter, WordPress, or Instagram. The important thing is that sharing art is as creative an endeavor as making it. And if youre studying the arts, thats an important lesson to take away. Don’t involve yourself merely in the admiration of others’ art. Be involved in the creation of it. You’ll find a whole new respect for the arts that you study. Check out this calendar for a Moth show in an area near you. Who knows? Maybe you’ll have the guts to get up and tell that story that’s burning inside of you. And if youre in LA, Ill see you at the Moth on the West Side this Tuesday!
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Writing Contests Are Good Practice
Writing Contests Are Good Practice Writing Contests Are Good Practice Writing Contests Are Good Practice By Guest Author This is a guest post by Mary Hodges If you want to write for Daily Writing Tips check the guidelines here. There are some writers who wouldn’t dream of entering a writing competition. They consider such things beneath their dignity. I’ve even come across someone who refused to take part in competitions because â€Å"someone has to lose†. My response to this would be â€Å"someone has to win, and it might be you. But if you don’t enter, you certainly won’t win.†My own feeling is that writing for a competition is helpful for these reasons: You have to write to a word limit. You have a deadline to meet. You often have to write on a given topic. Even if your work is not among the winning entries you have a finished story article or poem that you can adapt for another market Writing competitions seem to be a growth area. A Google search for â€Å"writing competitions†came up with over a million hits! Prizemagic includes some interesting details about Michael Shenton and his book Stiff Competition based on his experience of entering competitions. The poetrykit site includes a link to story and other competitions and a warning to beware of scams. There are numerous print magazines with titles like Competitors’ Companion but these include only a few writing contests. They are mainly devoted to general consumer competitions where the entrants need to provide proof of purchase and concoct advertising slogans for particular products. Some points to remember when entering competitions: Always read the rules for entry carefully. State age, sex, ethnicity, place of birth or residence, and whether or not your work has been published. – I’ve seen all these used to restrict who is eligible to enter. Look carefully at the deadline. There’s no point in sending your work off too soon and making it unavailable for other uses any longer than necessary. Look for contests that give a clear date by which the winners will be notified. Once that date has passed, you know you can submit your work elsewhere or enter it in another competition, Note the prizes and the entry fees – if any. Remember, a bigger prize might attract more entries; you might have a better chance of winning in a smaller local comp. albeit with a smaller reward. Contests you can enter by email are to be preferred every time over those that require hard copy entries. Some ask you to send an S.A.E for an entry form, requiring wo lots of unnecessary postage. Look carefully at what the organizers say they will do with the non-winners. I’ve come across one contest where the entrants granted the organizers â€Å"a worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual license to feature any or all of the submissions in any of its publications†. Do you really want to give your work away when you might submit it to another publication or enter it for another contest? Keep a copy of your entry and a record of where you sent it. I should come clean and say I haven’t won lots of writing competitions. I seem to get to the runner-up stage quite often, but don’t make the big time. Of course prizes in writing competitions are not always in the form of cash. You might win a holiday, a place on a writing course in some exotic location or as I did many years ago you might win a lavatory seat! I’m not kidding. This was part of a prize for writing a poem about Convent Garden in London. Prizes were items from the various shops in Covent Garden including one that specialized in wooden loo seats with the owner’s initials on the lid! But when all’s said and done it’s not the winning that counts, it’s the taking part. Mary Hodges has published poems in The Oldie, Freelance Market News and Quantum Leap magazine. She edits the Garstang Arts Centre Newsletter and is Press Officer for her local Women’s Institute. She also writes plays, one of which was produced for the Women’s Institute Drama Festival. Although computer literate and interested in the web, she has not yet set up her own website or blog. Two sites she’s found particularly useful are PrizeMagic and The Poetry Kit. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:"Because Of" and "Due To" Comma Before ButA Yes-and-No Answer About Hyphenating Phrases
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The Socio-Economic and Cultural Aspects of Japan Assignment
The Socio-Economic and Cultural Aspects of Japan - Assignment Example Each member presented their findings to the group and in the end, we were able to integrate the entire information into a single presentation for the group project. The development of this presentation and the overall group project did not come easily without the challenges. Our main finding of the culture of the Japanese people was their evolution from a mix of cultures across the Asian continent. This evolution was evident from the different aspects of their rich culture which included literature, arts as well as the lifestyle of the population that is about 126 million. The task given was about working in groups to come up with a presentation on the cultural aspects of a developing nation. The key concept we were able to learn is related to the working in groups to deliver a project and the ability to conduct research on a specific topic area. Since the topic area was about the culture of Japan, the rich culture of the people of the East Asian country was also acquired in the learning process. All the group members undertook a presentation of the different areas that they worked on and apart from being an enjoyable process; we were able to develop research and presentation skills. Group work is supposed to generate a sense of togetherness even if opinions differed (Anning 2010). The capability of the members of the team is varied and diverse. The level of diversity creates an instance where the members have a varying position on the issues that are raised within a group (Bell, 2012) but still find common ground. This was evident even while we were choosing the topic to take the research on. The main learning objective here is the level of teamwork which is the cohesiveness of the team in their work.
Please follow the instructions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Please follow the instructions - Essay Example I have a plan to complete my graduation from Harvard University with a major in Accounting in the June of 2016. I plan to do my internship with Ernst & Young in 2015. This would be a long and detailed internship which would be helpful for me in future. I believe that, good performance during the tenure of internship would help me to get placed in the same company. I want to start my accounting career with a reputable accounting organization. It would provide me good practical exposures and platform related with accounting. During the initial phase of my accounting career, I would like to be an established CFA in future. One of my weaknesses is that I have a lot of patience and this affects the speed of meeting desirable objectives. However my weakness turns to be my strength in critical scenarios where having patience is a must. There are many job opportunities for me in the nearby future due to large friend circle and family contacts. I even plan to join the scholarly group of Harvard University which would give me immense opportunity in the accounting field. In the current market scenario there are many people having accounting major. Hence competition will be not only in university level but even in professional level. On the other hand, CFA as my career goal can be subjected to intense competition. The market belonging to the accounting is highly competitive and an individual can survive in this market if one possesses analytical skills and quantitative orientation. There are various positions in this field and it is not just about tax or audit. In any firm a decent salary is given to accountant professionals such as $40,000 minimum. The diverse accounting fields as per market research are financial accounting, cost accounting, auditing, forensic accounting, managerial accounting, etc. An individual can earn the degree of a CFA and then further study for becoming a
Friday, October 18, 2019
Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Psychology - Essay Example Lastly, a minor motivator is the want to understand more the cultural and societal factors in the area, which is more of an interest to the Peace Corps volunteer and expert. Role requirements are necessary in an organization because it gives structure and authority in the leadership capacity to make decisions. However, in the topic of leadership, conflict arises in these contexts and sometimes occurs as a result of the role requirements. The first main conflict topic is regarding that this is primarily a business venture being backed by bank money. The main leader, Bjorn, represents the Banks interest, which means his role is to oversee all the others to make sure that profit is made from this venture. Many of the subordinates see that he has taken more of an interest in the humanitarian aspect and is challenging this on the basis that they are unbiased by the matter and have better experience in business. In addition, John Anderson, who is the resident humanitarian expert, is there to serve as an observer as far as to help explain the cultural and social phenomenon should complications arise. ... The fact that the cultures of France, America, and Colombia are represented alone would pose a significant cultural convergence, which would influence their decisions regarding how the mission should be run. The differing motivational factors created a huge conflict in the work environment. The first being that this was a business venture and that the funding for the project was based on the success of the mission, for which everyone was responsible. This clashed with the social and cultural implications, which other team members put above that. The stress of the mission also was causing Bjorn to be a micromanager, which made others seem like they were wasting time with all the obsessive and meaningless meetings. All of this ends up leading to arguing where they cannot work together because of clashing viewpoints. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based on a pyramid in which a person must overcome certain needs in order to reach a point of being which Maslow termed self-actualiza tion. Bjorn would be in the safety point due to the fact that the success of this mission is on him as the team leader and that if he fails, he will no longer have job security with the Bank. Eduardo and Aziz would be in the love/belonging phase in that even while on the mission, they seeks social engagement from people and seems to enjoy the social contact rather than the work aspect. Dupre and Mathuri are in the esteem phase in that they have already had success in the Bank being higher up representatives. They are clearly in the mission for the spoils in that by the mission succeeding, they will receive the overdue recognition and hopefully be given the leadership opportunities they want. Lastly, John is at the point of self-actualization. Since he is merely a consultant, he is not
Shakespeare in love Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Shakespeare in love - Movie Review Example The film revolves around the basic fact that how love changed the life of Shakespeare; once when he was betrayed by his lover and the time, when he was unable to complete his comedy play as the tragedy of Romeo Juliet and at the other time, when Viola de Lesseps brought happiness and inspiration in his life and he completed his project under the influence of love. Love can leave a huge impact on the life of a person; either negatively or positively. After watching this movie, I felt that William Shakespeare, the greatest writer as known to the entire world, had same emotional feelings like any of us. He was no different from a common man. Love was the greatest inspiration in his life which made him a successful man and an emotional playwright. During the Elizabethan age, theater and literature rose to a great height. Queen Elizabeth was very much fond of Shakespeare’ plays and supported the theaters. However, during this period women were not allowed to participate in plays and theaters due to societal norms and restrictions. In this movie, Viola de Lesseps went against the rules of society and disguised herself as a man to participate in Shakespeare’s play but the theater had to pay the heavy price for her involvement in the play as soon as the officials came to know about the truth. The movie highlights the era when women were deprived of their rights and involvement in arts and literature much broadly. After watching the movie, I realized that William Shakespeare had the same feelings like an ordinary man who derived his inspirations from living examples, more particularly, his own ones. Love has played a key role in giving a romantic and emotional touch to his work. In the movie, he has appeared as a sensitive man to whom love meant everything and a divine inspiration which helped him to achieve new heights in the world
Thursday, October 17, 2019
PERSONAL PERSPCETIVE( REFLECT ) OF MANAGING CHANGE - Essay Example Introduction Change occurs from time to time and change is the nature of things. Nothing in this world is constant or unchangeable. Would we like our own house for instance, if for years we had the same furniture, the same upholstery, the same colors? We like to make things different and we also know that any change around the house makes us feel better. The mind wants change but when the mind is not prepared for the change, it resists change. However, if we are informed of the change in advance we become mentally prepared for it and then we are not disturbed. This implies that change causes resistance when change is not accompanied or preceded by effective communication. Change is also a part of the life cycle of any product. When we speak of different stages in the life cycle of an organization or a product or service, change is implied. Abrahamson (2004) believes that without pain no change is possible and justifies that either one must change or perish. Why, then is change in the corporate world a topic for discussions, for theory formation and framework building? Focusing on the personal perception of change management this paper analyzes the factors that influence change as has been seen during the semester projects. The change management process studied during the semester will be reviewed along with the skills necessary for change. Change can occur in an organization for varied reasons ranging from change in the stage of the life cycle, to change during mergers and acquisitions, during downsizing, restructuring and during expansion and growth (Stanleigh, 2008). Change, in fact, is essential for progress as the human mind always seeks something new, something different, something exciting. However, I never realized that change could require so much planning to be effective. Having spent hours on the topic and having read about how changes have been implemented within different organizations, I realize that change has to be effectively managed. When I com pare it with an individual’s life, I find change in our life has to be equally well managed. Change cannot be a hap hazard process. This paper will reflect on the change management process adopted by Apple and McDonald's and what planning went behind the change. Critical Review We were first analyzed the organizational change undertaken by Apple. The drivers of change at Apple were competition, finances and open unidentified markets. These were arrived at through SWOT analysis and Five Forces Model which helped to understand the initiative for change undertaken by Apple. However, it appears that Apple’s focus was on enhancing profits as the employees as well as the customers were confused with so many models available at the same time in the market. They did not have a customer-centric approach which is essential for any new product launch. They did not try to understand customer needs and communication was lacking at Apple. Communication and information must precede c hange. This sounds so simple to implement but what I have learnt through reading and find it extremely interesting, is that communication is not a simple term that encompasses the quality or the ability to talk. It does not merely mean to inform or speak; it also means to listen. Having the strength and courage to listen to subordinates in an organization enhances communications (Pfeffer & Sutton, 1999). Thus, listening is also a part of communication. The
Financing Trade With Burma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Financing Trade With Burma - Essay Example Political instability is a great challenge for investors in Burma. The investors also face risks from consumer boycotts. Therefore, Burma is not a favorable investment option for American companies. It becomes apparent that there is hesitation among investors to spend money on projects in Burma, which is the reason why there is a dearth of foreign investment in the country. For making investment in Burma, the companies should get approval from Burmese authorities. The foreign companies can do business only through joint venture with Burmese collaboration. Burma lacks strong economic policies to bring foreign investment. Therefore, it is really a threat for US firms to make investment in Burma. Moreover, the political instability and conflicts in the country are another problem. The country’s governance lies with its military and there no uniform or precise rules in the country to protect the investors. The poor infrastructure facilities are also a major handicap for companies investing the country. Thus, any person who intends to invest there will have to develop the basic facilities. This will entail additional costs to the investor. The fiscal policies in the country also do not favor investment there. Besides, Burmese government imposes huge taxes on foreign investors. â€Å"Foreign investment has risen dramatically over the past year, as international companies cooperate with Burma’s government to exploit the country’s natural resources†(Jared, 2011, para. 1). 2) Since a military government rules Burma, they impose many restrictions on foreign trade and most of their policies are arbitrary in nature. Thus, the country is not investment friendly for foreign investors. America has banned investing in Burma due to the military actions against the civilians. In Burma, government owns all major industries and they place many restrictions on foreign trade. The country has trade relations with Asian countries and they export agricultur al products and import manufactured goods. Burma’s trade with United States accounts only 5% of total foreign trade. Even though Burma has liberalized its economy, they still impose many restrictions on foreign trade. The major earnings in the country derive from oil and natural gas. Therefore, if an investor decides to invest in this country this industry is a better option. If US companies propose to start business in Burma, they will have to face several challenges there. Any person or firm can start business in the country only as a joint venture, in collaboration with a Burmese entity. Due to political instability the country’s fiscal and monetary policies are not good. The inflation rates are high, which will have a direct bearing on the cost of operating a business. Investors may also face problems form the government as they do not encourage foreign investment. The tax rates on foreign traders are also quite high. â€Å"In Burma, however, foreign trade and inv estment helps perpetuate the rule of a repressive, unelected junta. Full foreign ownership of companies operating in Burma is forbidden and almost all large investment in Burma is carried out through joint ventures with the military regime†(Burma: Country in Crisis, 2002, para. 1). 3) Every business involves some part of risk. It may also have to face uncertainty of earnings or risk of loss because of some unexpected developments in
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
PERSONAL PERSPCETIVE( REFLECT ) OF MANAGING CHANGE - Essay Example Introduction Change occurs from time to time and change is the nature of things. Nothing in this world is constant or unchangeable. Would we like our own house for instance, if for years we had the same furniture, the same upholstery, the same colors? We like to make things different and we also know that any change around the house makes us feel better. The mind wants change but when the mind is not prepared for the change, it resists change. However, if we are informed of the change in advance we become mentally prepared for it and then we are not disturbed. This implies that change causes resistance when change is not accompanied or preceded by effective communication. Change is also a part of the life cycle of any product. When we speak of different stages in the life cycle of an organization or a product or service, change is implied. Abrahamson (2004) believes that without pain no change is possible and justifies that either one must change or perish. Why, then is change in the corporate world a topic for discussions, for theory formation and framework building? Focusing on the personal perception of change management this paper analyzes the factors that influence change as has been seen during the semester projects. The change management process studied during the semester will be reviewed along with the skills necessary for change. Change can occur in an organization for varied reasons ranging from change in the stage of the life cycle, to change during mergers and acquisitions, during downsizing, restructuring and during expansion and growth (Stanleigh, 2008). Change, in fact, is essential for progress as the human mind always seeks something new, something different, something exciting. However, I never realized that change could require so much planning to be effective. Having spent hours on the topic and having read about how changes have been implemented within different organizations, I realize that change has to be effectively managed. When I com pare it with an individual’s life, I find change in our life has to be equally well managed. Change cannot be a hap hazard process. This paper will reflect on the change management process adopted by Apple and McDonald's and what planning went behind the change. Critical Review We were first analyzed the organizational change undertaken by Apple. The drivers of change at Apple were competition, finances and open unidentified markets. These were arrived at through SWOT analysis and Five Forces Model which helped to understand the initiative for change undertaken by Apple. However, it appears that Apple’s focus was on enhancing profits as the employees as well as the customers were confused with so many models available at the same time in the market. They did not have a customer-centric approach which is essential for any new product launch. They did not try to understand customer needs and communication was lacking at Apple. Communication and information must precede c hange. This sounds so simple to implement but what I have learnt through reading and find it extremely interesting, is that communication is not a simple term that encompasses the quality or the ability to talk. It does not merely mean to inform or speak; it also means to listen. Having the strength and courage to listen to subordinates in an organization enhances communications (Pfeffer & Sutton, 1999). Thus, listening is also a part of communication. The
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Ethics and Business Corruption. Siemens Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Ethics and Business Corruption. Siemens - Essay Example In this incident, Nick Lesson lost over $1.3 billion through engaging in speculative investments targeting future contracts while operating in the bank’s office in Singapore. The different business ethics theories will be evaluated with a reflection of these two scandals to evaluate to what extent the malpractices can be related to the theories. These include the theories of Utilitarianism, Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, Shareholder value theory VS stakeholder theory and egoism among other theories (Slater, 2008). The unethical behavior in the Siemens saga with the Greece government involved advanced levels of corruption and bribery affecting both the two parties. Siemens advanced bribes of over $100 million to the government official’s in order to be awarded the contracts in the short run and secure a chance to control the country’s electronic market. Virtues and ethical reasoning places a lot of consideration on a person’s individual character to chose the best way of performing a task in a way devoid of ethical issues. Utilitarian ethical theory compares the cost benefits ratio of a given management decision with the benefits that can be derived from such with little or no cost impacts (Matussek, 2008). This theory however does not comprehensively evaluate the situation within Siemens as it considers the gains of the decision. Any actions made by the management of the company thus affect the ethical values of the people and erodes the public confidence in it. The manage rs’ value according to this theory serves as model to other employees of the organization (Dietz and Nicole, 2012). The actions taken by a single individual can also be analysed using the utilitarianism theory to help weigh whether the consequences can be bad or good. Such an angle can be used to critically evaluate the events of baring bank and how the actions of Leeson led to the death and closure of one of London’s best merchant banks. The actions of Leeson can be considered as foreclosure as he preempted the value of contracts and invested in them hoping to raise more benefits from such an action (Mitchell, 2000). Leeson’s actions when considered in isolation can be shown as an example of utilitarian as foreclosure in this situation caused more damage and pain as compared to foreclosing. Foreclosing can however be considered as the ethical behavior of banks as they rely on this to lend money to customers and make gains from the refunds. The action of Leeson provided less social good to the business and the stakeholders and is thus considered as unethical based on utilitarian theory (Slater, 2008). The main source of unethical allegations that were levied against Siemens stemmed from lack of proper knowledge of international ethical code of conduct. Most of these claims involved Russia and Siemens German, reflecting the different social backgrounds of the two countries as highlighted in the utilitarianism theory. Bribery is considered highly unethical because it does not provide equal opportunities for other players in the industry. This applies to the German culture, a situation which cannot be reflected in Russia (Becker, 2009). This bribery case was handled by the securities and exchange commission of the United States in 2007 due to a scheme in which a $1 billion government contract in Argentina was cancelled due to the cases of bribery. This case was also blamed on the
Monday, October 14, 2019
Street Car Named Desire Essay Example for Free
Street Car Named Desire Essay As we grow up it’s not only our age and experiences that make us who we are, relationships also shape our identity. All relationships will change our identity no matter who they are or what kind of relationship they have with us. Our friends shape our identity just as much as our family, if not more. This statement is very well depicted in the play â€Å"A street car named Desire by Tennessee Williams†. Throughout the play you see the different types of identities being shaped. If we are around someone enough we will start picking up traits of said person. If we are around someone who is always smiling and expressing themselves more than likely we will begin to express ourselves too. We gather the traits from those around us and our mind will tell us which are good and bad and try to get rid of the bad. With the good trait it will find our comfort zone with the person. That is why adults are always trying to get children and teenagers to understand that our friends are who shape us in a way. Our family relationships have a very big impact on our identity because we grow up with them. In the play the characteristics of each character was very much affected by their families. Blanche Dubois’ identity for example was shaped in a particular way because of her major losses in life. Her family fortune and estate we gone and she lost her young husband to suicide. This has led to her to have insecurities and making her a disrupted individual. Blanche’s fragile identity is also shaped by Stanley’s cruel actions towards her, also leaving her mentally detached from reality by the end of the play. However Stanley Kowalski’s identity in the book is very much shaped by the relationship he has with Blanche when arrives at the Kowalski household. Stanley’s intense hatred for Blanche is motivated in part by the upper-class past that Blanche used to have. He sabotages her because he does not appreciate the way she attempts to fool him and his friends into believing she is better than they are. From Blanche’s arrival Stanley has the need to feel like the man of house and does not take any orders from Blanche or Stella which is his wife. In the end, Stanley’s character is seen as harmful and cruel. The relationship between men and women is also a major identity shaper. Often in life the relationship between man and woman can be very unusual as sometimes a woman can have a lot of impact on men or the other around and sometimes they could have no impact. In the play Stanley and Stella’s marriage very much shape their identity. Shaping Stanley’s identity by making him feel like more of a man. Stella’s identity is very much shaped by the way Stanley treats her. Stella is a not very stable character because of the situation she gets into with her sister Blanche and her husband Stanley. Stella’s identity gets changed throughout the play because a lot of major events happen, such as her sister’s presence, having a baby and how Stanley beats her. Stella’s relationship with Stanley is both animal and violent but renewing as they always make up in the end. After Blanche’s arrival, Stella is torn between her sister and her husband. Eventually, she stands by Stanley, because she gives birth to his child near the end of the play. Stella’s denial of reality at the play’s end shows us that she actually more in common with Blanche than she thinks. The friend relationship between Stanley and Mitch also shape Stanley’s identity. Stanley is very loyal to his friends and would make sure that his best friend Mitch does not get hurt by Blanche. This is one of the main reasons that Stanley sabotages Blanche. Stanley would go through so much to just make Mitch believe that Blanche isn’t really who she says she is. Since Stanley is a misogynist, he sees himself as a superior to both Blanche and Stella, his need to â€Å"own†the house and be in charge is the motivator for his actions towards Blanche. Knowing that he was going to rape her from the very beginning, he tries and stops Mitch and Blanche from entering any type of relationship. â€Å"We’ve had this date from the start†In conclusion all types of relationships affect Blanche and shape her identity in a way. But in the end she lost her identity already because her husband died. In the play there are many relationships that shape the characters such as family relationships, friend relationships and â€Å"man and woman†relationships. In life relationships are a major source of shaping our identity.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Luis XIV, and His Selfish Ways :: European History Essays
Luis XIV, and His Selfish Ways If you were asked to answer the question, â€Å"Which king in European history was the best representative of absolutism?†, you would probably answer, â€Å"Louis XIV.†If you were asked to identify the king with the biggest palace and the most glamorous court, you would answer â€Å"Louis XIV.†If you were asked to identify the king whose reign coincided with the most glorious period of culture in his country's history, you would answer â€Å"Louis XIV.†If you were asked to identify what king fought an endless series of wars, heavily taxed his population, set up the pre-conditions for a revolution against his own system and was jeered by his people as his body was taken to be buried, then you would answer â€Å"Louis XIV.†Louis XIV was a great builder; he built many palaces and residences in France. His greatest remaining monument is Versailles, which was simultaneously a triumph and a disaster in the eyes of France. Louis XIV continued the policy of centralizing French government that Henry IV, Richelieu, and Mazarin started before he became King. Louis XIV also was blessed by having a number of very able advisors. Among the most brilliant was a man by the name of Colbert. Colbert was in charge of economic policies and under his direction the French economy expanded greatly. Louis XIV considered the Protestants, also known as the Huguenots, to be a nuisance, if not a threat to his rule. The Huguenots tended to be more urban, wealthier and better educated than the typical citizen of France. Louis had little understanding of the theological tenants of Protestantism. Some people think that Louis XIV was very important for the future prestige and importance of France. Louis XIV developed diverse manufacturing capabilities, more roads, more ports, more canals, an expanded navy and merchant marine, and all these gave France the potential for greater prosperity. This was looked upon highly by some people, but others were more impressed by the king’s building skills. His greatest remaining monument is Versailles. Versailles was used for residential and government purposes, but it also drew a lot of attention because of its beauty. The palace was filled with a glamorous court.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Career Research: Nursing :: Career Research
Deciding which career is best for me is a very difficult decision. There are so many different types and areas of study to choose from and many that I am interested in. Ever since I was little I have always wanted to become a nurse. When I was ten years old, my grandmother experienced a stroke right in front of me. No other adult was home at the time and I had to manage the experience alone. I remained calm and took care of her until emergency personnel arrived to take over her medical needs. Everything ended well with her and I felt that I managed everything with maturity. Later on, at age thirteen, I also observed the process of this same grandparent going through a battle with breast cancer. Because of these experiences, the idea of a nursing career blossomed and has stuck with me the longest. So many different aspects of a nurse appeal to me and there is a huge selection of various fields of nursing, any of which I could specialize in. Interestingly, teaching mathematics has al so always been appealing to me. The idea of having a math degree did not present itself until I started college and scored so well in entrance exams. There are a lot of benefits that come along with being a teacher and it is a job I know I would enjoy. After exploring various math related careers with a family friend (and Dean of Math Studies at Washington University), I decided that I would be good at working in a school district teaching math at various levels. I have also explored the career of being a high school counselor and feel it would be a great career for me for numerous reasons. Growing up, I have watched my mother work in the counseling field and have decided that it is a career that would never get old and would always give me new challenges. All of these career choices are in fields that are helpful to other people, which is what I know I would do best. No matter which career I choose, I know that I will be benefiting and helping people every day. Because nursing seems to be the best match for my interests, I feel that going into the field of nursing would be best for me. The opportunities are almost endless in nursing.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Antigone Essay
The story of Antigone is a tragic story that means that the universal themes are going to make the audience thinks twice about their decisions or life itself. This story has a lot of universal themes like facing darkness, role of women and the most important theme in my opinion would be injustice. This universal can be applied to today’s world. Facing darkness! After the two brother named Eteocles and Polyneices fight for opposites sides Creon decides to buried of the brother that fight for his kingdom ,in this case would be Eteocles and he decides not to buried the other brother because he was fighting against his kingdom. Creon said that â€Å"Polyneices is a traitor and should not be buried and he should be giving to the slavery â€Å" (Sophocles 1109). Creon also said â€Å"Anyone trying to bury Polyneices should pay with death†(Sophocles 1109). This is the point when darkness began for Antigone figuring out how she is going to buried her brother that she love an d if she is caught she was willing to pay with her life because that prove how much she loved her brother. After Antigone death happen the darkness began for Creon because he killed his father and his song and now looking for forgiveness something that he didn’t deserve. To finalize with this theme darkness change this kingdom. Women can make a huge impact. The story of Antigone reflects this by Antigone fighting on what she believes something that no man was willing to do. She decides to go against his uncle, the king Creon. Antigone tells her sister Ismene that â€Å"she will bury Polyneices and that Creon has no right to keep me from my own†(Sophocles 1105). Irmene tell Antigone â€Å"Remember we are women, we’re not born to contend with men†(Sophocles 1105). Antigone tells her sister â€Å"I will raise a mound for him, for my dear brother†(Sophocles 1106). Back then women was afraid of men because they didn’t know how to stand up in what believes for. A perfect example of this would Irmene; she tells Antigone that she didn’t have the courage to join her. In the end Antigone died happy knowing she did the right thing and from that point women began following her examples. How the theme of injustice is reflected in the story? To start with, injustice happen from the beginning the story w hen Creon announcing that Polyneices is not going to be buried until the part of Creon killing his own family. Antigone was a person who believes that family members should be treated with respect and she was willing to the right thing no matter what happened to her. For example she believes everybody should be buried no matter what they did. In the other hand Creon was person that wanted to follow tradition from the city and God according to him and he was willing to do anything that he thinks should be helpful even punishing his own family. Creon killed his family because they were in favor of Antigone and that is not reason enough because they just were expressing their opinion. To sum up, these universal themes are reflected in the play Antigone. Out of those themes injustice have to the most impact in this story because that what this story main focus for the readers. The story can be applied to today’s world by everything having a consequence. For example Creon regrets killing his father and his son and wants forgiveness from God. If woman like Antigone didn’t have the courage to do what she did, women today would be still fear men and the government like Irmene. Works Cited Sophocles. â€Å"Antigone.†Schakel, Peter and Jack Radi. Approaching Literature. Boston,New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2012. 1103-1141. Story.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Family and Indigenous Languages Essay
EXPOSITORY ESSAY THE NEED TO PROMISE THE STUDY OF INDIGENOUS LANGUAGE IN NIGERIA It is a pity that Nigeria’s indigenous languages have been relegated to the background over the years. Nigerian students are taught in English Language which is also regarded as the lingua franca of the country. This is not good enough. Though Nigeria has several indigenous languages, there is need to promote the study of these indigenous languages. This is why the Federal Ministry of Education made it compulsory for every student to study at least one Nigerian language at the Senior Secondary School level. Even during the tenure of Professor Babs Fafunwa as the ministry of education, it was canvassed that indigenous languages should be used to teach primary school students. Languages are associated with culture and tradition of the people. Therefore, the adoption of another people’s language as a medium of communication in Nigeria indicates that we have relegated our own culture and tradition to the background. This may also connote that we have not as a country thrown away every relic of colonization. Indigenous languages, if promote can be the unifying factor in Nigeria. They promote peaceful co-existence and tolerance among the Nigeria people who will have a sense of belonging in the country. In addition, indigenous languages also promote understanding and appreciation of our own culture and tradition. Why do we have to promote the culture of a foreign country at the expense of our own? The promotion and study of indigenous languages will also give us national identity. A language is always associated with a nation. So, if we promote and study our own indigenous languages, the world will identify us with these indigenous languages. There are lots of benefits to gain from promoting our indigenous languages. The lingua franca which we have been clamouring for over the years will ultimately emerge if we can promote the study of these indigenous languages. Furthermore, the study of these languages will enable our children to be conversant with mother tongues since thoughts and language can hardly be separated. Finally, it is an established fact that a leaner first thinks in the language of his environment and this process of thinking enriches his experience about his immediate environment and culture. Hence, a thorough foundation must be laid in the study of our indigenous languages in the country. ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY NIGERIA NEXT PRESIDENT SHOULD BE A WOMAN Good day, Mr. Chairman, panel of judges, co-debators, ladies and gentlemen and my most attentive audience. My name is Oluwole Oludayo. I am here to support the motion which states that ‘Nigeria’s next president should be a woman†. 2015, it is expected that a new civilian president will emerge to direct the affairs of the country. The presidential candidates for each of the parties have been nominated but there is one thing that I am sure most of us have not noticed all candidates are men! Sometimes, I sit down and wonder why we cannot have at least a woman among the presidential candidates since we got independence in 1960, no woman has been given the chance to contest the presidential election and I think that our great nation is making a mistake. First and foremost, if Nigeria has a woman as her president, there are so many advantages and benefits that we can enjoy. One of such benefits is that a woman president can be more honest than men. When we have an honest president, then we can begin to think of economic growth. Furthermore, we all know the popular saying which goes thus: ‘what a man can do, a woman can do better’. Indeed, this saying is true because women have proved to be better leaders than men. For instance look at the famous Magaret Thatcher. She is a woman of virtue, discipline and honour. She has proved that women can in fact excel in a man world. In addition to this, if Nigeria next president is a woman, she would be upright, disciplined and very firm she would realise that she is in a man world and that she is facing many challenges in which she cannot afford to fail because she wants to prove a point. Therefore, this will make her work very hard and to be firm in decision-taking, she will not bend for anybody. If we have a president who is very firm, bribery and corruption will be curbed. Similarly, there will be less chances of waging war. The country under the rule of a woman will be at peace with her neighbours. Instead of going to war, a woman will easily negotiate for peace and she will also make sure that she is always at peace with the citizens of the country. I must also state that women are usually compassionate by nature, although they can be firm. If Nigeria has a female president, she would feel strongly for the little children, the poor, the widow and the less privilege who beg by the road sides. Also, those people who do not have clothing and shelter will be taken care of. Finally, I must say that if Nigerians elect a female president, it will be a great turning point in the history of the country. It will also be an honour to have a Nigeria’s first woman president. Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, I am of the candid view that if Nigerians can give women a chance, I am sure that they will not regret it. NARRATIVE ESSAY THE SHAME THAT REFUSES TO GO When I was fourteen years old, I was sent from my village to live with my sister who had just got married. My sister had complained about the need to have house help after having her first born. With the permission of my parents, I went to live with my sister and her husband in Lagos. Immediately I got to Lagos, I was registered in a school very near our house. My sister was a business woman who sold ladies shoes and bags while her husband was a civil servant. My sister regularly travelled to the eastern part of the country to buy her wares. In most times, I would be alone in the house with her husband and baby. After living with them for four years, I noticed a change in the attitude of my sister’s husband towards me. He was unnecessarily lavishing his care on me, buying me dresses and gifts. Several times, he bought new clothes for me and whenever he did this, he would instruct me not to tell my sister. One day, while my sister was away to Onitsha on a business trip, her husband called me and instructed me to cook rice and ‘dodo’ in the evening and that I should not go to bed until he came back at night. I did as he instructed me and I struggled to stay awake until he came back around 10.30pm. When he came back, he asked me to serve the rice and ‘dodo’ in one plate and that we were going to eat together. I told him that I had eaten but he insisted that I would eat with him on the same table. He further told me that he loved me and that all the beautiful dresses and gifts he had bought for me were mine if I would allow him to make love to me. My excuse that he should realise that he was my sister husband fell on deaf ears. To cut the long story short, we made love that night and that was the beginning of the several love bouts we had. After a year of having this secret love affair with my sister’s husband, I got pregnant. When I told him that I was pregnant for him he, he told me to make it a secret forever if could not agree to abort it. I was afraid to commit abortion and it did not take long before I was found out by my sister. She forced me to tell her who was responsible for my pregnancy. In her annoyance, she sent me back to my parents in the village, divorced her husband and swore to renounce me as her sister. I later got married and I had to live with my first child whom I had for my sister’s husband’s house. My husband did not know that Ade was my first child until somebody told him the whole story of my life. He lost all the confidence in me and since then things have not been the way it used to be. He couldn’t love me as he used to and so I have had to live with this stigma for the rest of my life. DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY THE LOCAL FESTIVAL IN MY VILLAGE The arrival of civilization and western culture has made us to forget our cultural past. Our heritage has been lost and traded off for the western ways. Those cultural heritages which had delighted our fore-fathers are looked down upon by youths who regard these heritages as old fashioned and anachronistic. I must confess that I did share this opinion with my peers but I have to give it another thought when I was privileged to accompany my parents to our village to witness a local festival. The festival is usually celebrated every first Saturday of September in my village, Obong. Every year the indigenes travel from far and near to convene at Obudu market square, the venue of the annual new year festival. The origin of this festival goes as far back as when the first group of settlers fled to the plateau for safety and decided to dwell there. I can recollect vividly what my grandfather told me about the first festival when the settlers had their first new yam harvested. Tradition has it that the very first celebration was held at the summit of the Obudu Plateau. The joy and happiness shared among the people was enough to pull the heavens down according to my grandmother. Ever since, the celebration has taken the same pattern. Last year, the new yam festival which I witnessed began on Thursday. The day preceding that Thursday, all men in the village woke up very early in the morning and left for their farms. They returned in the evening with their children carrying large tubers of yam on their hands. I joined the village children to carry the tubers which we dropped at the market square. In the evening, the men gathered after taking their bath to discuss over a gourd of freshly-tapped palm wine. Their discussion took them into the far night before they went to sleep in their various homes. Very early the next day, the women started peeling the yams for cooking. They brought all ingredients together for the cooking while the young men prepared themselves to carry masquerades. The girls, like myself were not allowed to cook but we helped the women in cooking the food. Saturday finally arrived and the festival was scheduled to begin at noon. As early as 7.00am on that day, the women were up again to add finishing touches to their cooking and finally they pounded the yams. The real festival began with the arrival of the ‘Usu’, the chief who was followed by the masquerades. The young girls like myself dressed beautifully with the ‘jigida’ beads around our waists. We danced to entertain the ‘Usu’ and his chiefs who occasionally waved their locally made fans. Then the food was served and there was more than enough to go around. Everybody ate to his or her satisfaction. Finally, after all the dancing, singing and eating, the festival came to an end in the early hours of Sunday morning. I could say that this festival is of great importance to the Obudu people because it is the only time of the year when all indigenes of the village, far and near come together to felicitate. Moreover, the festival gave me a sense of pride that I have a heritage which I can be proud of.
An Experience of a life time
â€Å"Get to bed, Dharam,†my mother shouted. The excitement, the adrenaline pumping in me, kept me awake all night. I was trying to imagine myself in India, wondering what it was going to be like: the people, the country, the weather, I couldn't keep the energy inside of me; I just wanted to get there and see it for myself. The following morning, I gave my love and best wishes to my family and departed from Manchester International Airport. I then found myself on air India Flight heading to my destination Delhi. It was 5:00 am when we arrived in India. The smell hit me straight in the face, the heat firing at 36'Celsius came gushing at me; the people were rushing around like ants on a summer's day! I was in the fourth dimension it was nothing like I had imagined. The hooters and revving engine of the cars that cluttered the busy streets merged in a great cacophony of sound. There were people begging for money, there were people making food on stoves on streets having lived in England it was a sight I was not familiar with. Music came from all directions not just of songs it was the engines of cars and there hooters. I was amazed how different it was compared to England; it was hot, sticky, and noisy and overpopulated. Although I was extremely tired, I was also excited because this was a different atmosphere from what I had seen before, it wasn't just another holiday; it was my first time out of the country. At that time I didn't really think about England, I was too concerned about what my dad's family were going to think about me because this was the first time I had seen them in my life. Then questions started to come into my mind like will they like me? Will I like them? What do they look like? Would I fit in with them? As I got out of the airport I heard someone shout my dads name I didn't have a clue who it was but I realized it was someone from my dad's family I didn't ask who it was because I was too concerned about what was going on, but one thing I noticed straight away was that the people and animals were walking on the roads without a care in the world. My first reaction was, â€Å"God, where have you bought me†? That was the first time I missed home but as my journey progressed I was then fascinated with the way the country was. As the week ended I had settled in and got used to the environment. In one hot week I visited most of New Delhi and all the temples in New Delhi, but as the week ended my heart started to pound just as it was when I arrived at the airport. I knew the time had come to visit my other relatives. As I sat on the train staring out of the window, the sun was hitting me straight in my face. I started to think what I going to say to them. As the train stopped at Kurukshetra, we caught a taxi to my aunt's house. I took a deep breath and went in. There were my cousins sitting down watching cricket; they got up and greeted me. I felt like I had met them before, I got a warm feeling from them. My cousins introduced me to all their friends and showed me one of the biggest zoos in India where you could a touch baby lion. At first I didn't touch it because I thought to myself that it was a lion. But my cousin finally persuaded me too. My two days in Kurukahetra went so fast but I knew that I would return. My next stop was at Patiala in the northwest in the state of Punjab, to see my dad's grandmother. This time I wasn't as nervous as I was before. As I came off the bus I felt different. I was used to the road and cars everywhere. Patiala was different from Delhi and Kurukshetra, it was cleaner and there were no animals running around there was also no pollution. I stayed in Patiala for a week because I found it clean compared to the other cities. I visited my Dad old school and saw where he had worked. As he was showing me I could see that he felt very emotional leaving his home country. After a week in Patiala, I headed back for Delhi to visit my mum's parents who were visiting from England I couldn't wait to see them because I new they could speak the same language as me. Two days later we went to Agra to see the TajMahal; I was so amazed to see how magnificent the marble brickwork was and by the stunning architecture. There were people visiting from all over the world. As we went inside the TajMahal, it was dark the guide with a torch came over and told the story behind the TajMahal. He told us that Shah Jahan made this for his beautiful wife as a memorial; Shah Jahan chopped the hands off his workers after the building was completed so that they couldn't make another building like the TajMahal. I was beginning to realize why Shah was so obsessed with the TajMahal and why he didn't want it duplicated. As I went to my hotel I then thought to myself, â€Å"Now I can understand why so many people visit the TajMahal†Before, I'd thought it was just another building. I was now my third week in India time had passed by very quickly. As I was looking out of the window I was thinking about England, thinking, â€Å"What are they doing back at home? †I was missing my bed and fish and chips also the toilets, the Indian toilets were just like a whole in the ground. In that week I didn't want to stay in India, I was home sick, I was fed up looking at people with no legs or no arms and families with children who were only five or four years old asking for money, the poverty was too great, I just wanted to go home. As the week ended my dad and I decided to go back to Kurukshetra where my cousins lived. I stayed there for two weeks and went to the golden temples in Amritsar. As we got to Amritsar it was dusty and had animals all over. As we walked in side the golden temples it was amazing and peaceful, you could not hear any of the noises from outside. I felt like I was in heaven I was amazed with the beauty I hadn't seen anything better before in my life this also made be proud to be a Sikh. My dad woke me up at five o'clock in the morning to have a Shannon (which is a bath). It is said to purify you of your sins. We stayed there for two days and went to Patiala. As we got to Patiala it was holy this was a festival of colours happens once a year on March 3. As I was new, the town people decided to get me, to show how they play hoily. One man came from behind and threw a bucket full of colours. After 12 o'clock hoily was finished so I decided to have a bath. As I went in no water came I then started too appreciate that I was from a richer country, they told me the water comes on at five o'clock. As time went on the colours started to dry and crumble, it made me feel itchy and irritable. As the week ended there were two weeks left for me to go home. I knew time was coming up to go back. One part inside of my wanted to stay and the other didn't. 48 hours! The clock was ticking. I looked at the calendar and my emotions ran I had the feeling that someone was taking pieces of my heart away. Will I ever come back? Will I ever see these people again? I felt depressed. I didn't want to go home, well not yet. I enjoyed myself so much that I didn't want to leave. I sat in the room where I slept and looked at all four walls of the room and said,†Dharam you're going home to your family. †I checked again to see if I was missing anything. I then went out and spent the rest of the day with my friends also enjoyed the Indian food. I bought some gifts for my family and got ready for my journey to Delhi airport. I said my final farewells and realized the adventure was over and I was returning back to reality, back to England. When I got into the aeroplane, my tears ran down my face as I looked out of the window all I could manage was a wave.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Past Does Matter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Past Does Matter - Essay Example The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin can be considered as a most valuable treasure not only for the American society of this century but also for generations to come. The writer gives different interpretation of the concept of success in this work. The author is one of America’s founding fathers but he is not a born leader. He has attained success of such a magnitude by dint of his hard work and strength of character, â€Å"having emerged from poverty and obscurity†(Franklin 3). His success story is a saga of incessant hard work and dedication by which Franklin has been able to rise from humble beginnings to a world renowned leader and the younger generations of this nation can draw a lot of inspiration from his exemplary life. Though born into the poor family of a candle maker, Franklin had a passion for reading and writing right from the early stages of his life. His unabated zest made him read each and every book he could lay his hands on, with the intention of be coming a writer. His family did not have the resources to afford proper education for their children. However, this did not drench his spirits and he became a self taught man. He began writing anonymously at the age of fourteen because he was sure that his brother would not publish him in his newly started newspaper.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Yahoo case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Yahoo case study - Essay Example But yahoo was not able to carry on the fame it had created for long time. In February 2008, yahoo share price fell from $31 a share to less than half of it. In the year 2011, the CEO of Yahoo Carol Bartz was sacked by the chairman of the company. However the share price of Yahoo had plummeted during the tenure of Carol Bartz. Analysis of the case The case study takes into consideration the problems and issues which Yahoo has been facing over the years. Initially the company was able to attract customers but with new competition from other online sites, yahoo started to losing its customers. According to the case study Yahoo lacked the hype and buzz in the technology market. The case study has also introduced many issues and problems that the company was facing along with its employees such as the corporate culture and political conflicts which highlighted the problem that the employees were dissatisfied with the mid level management; the organization was involved in silo thinking and bureaucracy, issue with respect to human resource, leadership changes and restructuring. In addition to the problems faced by Yahoo, the case study also talks about change in leadership. Marissa Mayer who was the head of the Google search group was appointed as the new CEO of Yahoo. Under the leadership of Marissa Mayer, change management has been implemented to get back Yahoo on the right track and Marissa Mayer aims to â€Å"focus on the users†as yahoo in recent years have been known for its distraction than delight. The case study shows how Marissa Mayer implemented the strategy of change management in yahoo and also follows the changes and step that she brought in Google. The case highlights the good and potential qualities of Marissa Mayer to bring about a change in Yahoo but at the same time it also highlights the resistance to change that the employees of Yahoo might face while dealing with the change. Identification of major issues Yahoo major problem was it never b een best at anything and instead of defining itself the company has fitted from one new web portal to another. Yahoo has 44 different business units and with just 3200 employees it had become unmanageable for the company. Despite having about 44 different business units it do not have sales unit leading to much more confused and chaotic situations. During the golden days of Yahoo, customers were getting involved with the company by themselves and the advertisement company was ready to spent dollars on it and as a result Yahoo did not established relationship with its customers as the customers walked it by themselves which led to arrogance (Willians 2008, 209)1 Corporate culture and political conflicts are said to be high in the organization and this can be seen another big issue for Yahoo and the new CEO Marissa Mayer. As per a review it was revealed that in comparisons to 98% of Google employees who thought the outlook of the company will be better in the future only 48% of employ ees of Yahoo felt the same. The employees were not satisfied with the mid level management as the mid level management was control freaks who pressurized the people without making any improvement. In addition with the existence of frequent re-orgs, this resulted in firing of employees and also scrapping of projects along with frequent turmoil at the executive
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Good Will Hunting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Good Will Hunting - Essay Example The social penetration theory establishes the fact that as relationships develop, the parties’ communication moves from relatively shallow, non-intimate levels to deeper, and levels that are more personal. The theory applies in interpersonal communication and aims at reaching the core personality or sense of self among the communicators (Griffin 10 -18). A cyclical and dialectical approach suggests closeness occurs through a gradual process of self-disclosure if the participants proceed in a gradual and orderly fashion. The theory is thus not subjective to personal feelings or bias but solely relies on facts instead of opinions. This paper will draw the relationship of the social penetration theory to the relationships portrayed in the film. It will also confirm if relationships move through and how the characters self-disclose. It will also explain if any over-discloses too quickly and whether the lack of disclosure harms any of relationship. To achieve this, the paper wil l consider the Will Hunting relationships with a mathematics professor at MIT, Gerald Lamdeau (Stellan Skarsgard) and that with Sean McGuire (Mr. Williams), a therapist. Relationship of the social penetration theory to the relationships portrayed in the film The most significant relationship in the film Good Will Hunting is the relationship between Will Hunting and Sean McGuire (Mr. Williams), the therapist. This relationship relates to the social penetration theory in many ways. This relationship emanates from an earlier relationship between Will and Lamdeau. Initially, Will would solve mathematical problems and go his way without waiting for recognition. However, after the professor realized his talent, he decided to search for him. Indeed, when Lamdeau found him at work Will Hunting run away but Lamdeau tracks him down in a jail for assaulting a police offer. Here they advanced their shallow communication to a deeper level when Lamdeau bails him out with a condition that Will Hun ting will agree to spend one day a week meeting with a therapist. This leads to the relationship between Will Hunting and Sean, the therapist. They initially had shallow communication. However, subject to the fact that Sean is the survivor of a tough Southie upbringing like Will Hunting, there communication developed deeper as Sean would help him in appreciating his talents. Additionally, Will had intimate relationship with Skylar. Together, Skylar and Sean took the communication with Will to a more personal level where they taught to remove barriers in his life and advance his talents. This was a clear demonstration of the communication theory, social penetration theory. If the relationships moves through and how the characters self-disclose Both relationships move through from relatively shallow communication levels, non-intimate, to more deeper and personal communications. Indeed, were beneficial to all parties as they share their knowledge, experiences, and concern to help one a nother. Actually, out of concern, the professor sought to help Will come to his right senses and went ahead to involve his therapist friend, Sean to help in the mission. The relationships were relevantly relying on facts from education and life experiences. Where Sean was quick to self, disclose to Will, Will pass through many therapists before
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Prevalence and impact of alcohol misuse in the American, British and Dissertation
Prevalence and impact of alcohol misuse in the American, British and Canadian Armed Forces - Dissertation Example I am really thankful to them. In addition, I would also like to thank my parents and friends for their help in the execution and finishing of this project within the limited time. I am making this project not only for academic purposes but also to increase my knowledge on this public health issues. DECLARATION: I DECLARE THAT THIS DISSERTATION IS MY OWN WORK AND IT HAS NEVER BEEN PRESENTED AT ANY OTHER UNIVERSITY OR INSTITUTION OF HIGHER LEARNING. List of Tables Table 1-Nationality of participants Table 2-Region of service Table 3-Element Table 4-Work Status Table 5-Gender Table 6-Nature of deployment Table 7-Causes and Effects of Alcohol abuse in armed forces Table 8-Summary of participant remarks Abstract Alcohol misuse has been part of military life since historical times. Study findings and literature reviews attest to the high prevalence of this problem not only among active-duty soldiers but also among veterans returning home. Studies also show several disparities in the preval ence and effects of alcohol abuse among military officers. First, younger officers of age 18-25 are found to suffer more alcohol abuse and related disorders than their older colleagues. Second, male soldiers are more likely to indulge in binge drinking compared to their female colleagues. Third, soldiers on active combat duties report more cases of alcohol abuse that their non-combat experienced colleagues do. This latter disparity could be explained by the traumatic experiences and events encountered in wars. For the US, UK, and Canada, veterans of the Iraqi and Afghani wars are outstanding examples of samples used to establish the extent to which traumatic combat and non-combat experiences and events promote alcohol misuse in armed forces. Although these countries’ defense departments have initiated various interventions and designed policy statements to curb alcohol abuse in military camps and among veterans, a lot still need to be done since the responses to this problem have been rather lackluster. In fact, recommendations by concerned agencies and individual researchers have largely been ignored by authorities. The negative effects of alcohol abuse on soldiers, their friends, families, and the profession in clued mental health disorders, violence, marriage breakages, unproductively, cardiovascular diseases, and death. These effects highlight the efficiency and the urgency with which alcohol misuse should be addressed. As the authorities seek answers to this problem, soldiers are also encouraged to seek alternative treatments to the disorders that military life expose them to rather than resorting to binge drinking for immediate and short-term solutions but never really solve the underlying issues. Introduction In the current society, many people are reported to keep their consumption of alcohol within the confines of the recommended levels. These drinkers have rather low risks of alcohol-related metal, physical, physiological, and
Friday, October 4, 2019
IT and Strategic Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
IT and Strategic Systems - Essay Example It is imperative to note that when BPR takes place, various aspects including the vision and goals of the organization may be redesigned and redeveloped. Hence, the deep changes that are experienced at various organizations may be uncomfortable in some instances and pose a lot of threats to the company. Conversely, BPM is considered as being extremely flexible in nature as it mainly emphasizes on one or more processes at a specific time through automating them in order to ensure they become simpler (Tomkowicz, 2007). In essence, this process is not risky or costly to execute. The two processes are associated with various advantages as well as shortcomings, for instance, BPM greatly contributes to the satisfaction of the customers through immediately addressing it while the BPR is concerned with studying the processes in the organization from the beginning and eliminating the processes that may act as hurdles to the growth of the company. In the event that these processes become extremely slow and the desired outcomes cannot be achieved, BPR is employed to make the processes
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Mexicans and Discrimination Essay Example for Free
Mexicans and Discrimination Essay Wetback, spic and beaner are a few of the words people use when talking about a Mexican. Mexican Americans have been the victim of discrimination throughout the history of the United States. Mexicans have a very big stereotype against them. One of the main reasons that they are discriminated against is because of their illegal immigration into the United States. Like many other groups Mexicans immigrated to the United States in search of a better life. Many Mexicans are left with no choice but to come to the U. S illegally because of the cost and obstacles that one has to go through to become a citizen. Because many Mexicans come to the U. S. illegally they are often forced to work physically demanding jobs for less money. Mexican Americans have a long history of experiencing nativism and racism which has resulted in a number of discriminatory conditions and consequences such as, social and geographical segregation, employment discrimination, patterns of abuse at the hands of law enforcement officials, vigilante murder and justice, substandard education, electoral fraud, exclusion from petit and grand juries, forced dislocations from their neighborhoods, voter intimidation, and language discrimination. (Galaviz 2007) Mexicans work under the secondary sector of the Dual labor market. The secondary Dual Labor market has low incomes, little job security, and little training. There are also no rewards apart from wages. Mexicans are forced to work for very low wages either because, as non-citizens, they lack options, or because they may realistically perceive themselves as best off here, even at very cheap wages, than they were back home. (Aponte 1990) For example, many companies offer very poor working conditions and minimum wage because they know that illegal immigrants have no choice but to accept these conditions because of their status. After the United States victory in the Mexican-American War in 1848 a forced treaty was signed. The treaty was known as Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. This treaty required Mexico to give up over half its land to the United States in exchange for 15 million dollars. Land given up by Mexico included California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo also guaranteed that Mexican citizens living in surrendered lands would be able to keep property rights and would be given United States citizenship if they remained in surrendered lands for at least one year. However, the property rights of Mexicans were ignored by the United States government and local officials. Mexicans were slowly forced from lands which their families had held for generations in many cases. Many organizations, businesses, and homeowners associations had official policies to exclude Mexican Americans. In many areas across the Southwest, Mexican Americans lived in separate residential areas, due to laws and real estate company policies. This group of laws and policies, known as redlining, lasted until the 1950s, and fall under the concept of official segregation. In many other instances, it was more of a general social understanding among Anglos that Mexicans should be excluded. For instance, signs with the phrase No Dogs or Mexicans were posted in small businesses and public pools throughout the Southwest well into the 1960s. Mexicans were also restricted from being jurors, even if the case involved a Mexican. Schools also discriminated against Mexican children and eventually Mexicans were made to open their own schools. Though times have changed Mexicans are still discriminated against because of the stereotype they are associated with. Many believe that all Mexicans come over here illegally and do not deserve the same rights as citizens do. Even now people believe that Mexicans should be sent back to Mexico and an example of that is Phoenix, Arizona and its Immigration Law.
Coming Of Age In Mississippi History Essay
Coming Of Age In Mississippi History Essay 1) In the autobiography of Anne Moody, she had joined two major groups for the rights of the colored people, the NAACP and the SNNC. She had thought about joining the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, but she never did until she found out one of her roommates at Tougaloo college was the secretary. Once she went to a meeting, she became actively involved. She was always participating in various freedom marches, would go out into the community to get black people to register to vote. She always seemed to be working on getting support from the black community sometimes to exhaustion. Anne started hanging out with other students who were also fighting for black rights, and soon she became an active member of the SNCC. Through these organizations, Anne had become actively involved in the civil rights movement. She soon realized, though, that there were a lot of preconditions that were needed to achieve significant social change in the black community. Many of the projects Anne worked on, lacked support from the black community. Many black people tended to ignore the efforts of the SNCC because they were afraid of change. It took a lot of work to convince the black community to support the various projects the young people of SNCC were doing. An example of a project that the black community supported extensively was Freedom Summer. This project would not have been successful if the black community did not support this. The Freedom Summer project proved to be a success because the black community went out and vote. Throughout her book, Anne Moody talked a lot about the difference between older and younger black people because the younger generation was the ones that were actively involved in the civil rights movement. The role the federal government had during the civil rights movement did not always help black people achieve their rights. The first major break for civil rights came in the Supreme Court case Brown versus the Board of Education. The ruling that segregation was unconstitutional seemed like a major break through for the black community. Anne Moody was very optimistic about the desegregation cases. She always tested the Supreme Court decision of Brown versus the Board of Education numerous times by doing sit-ins and freedom marches. She was determined to fight for her rights, despite numerous threats against her life. When Kennedy was assassinated, she was devastated. Anne really thought that Kennedy was the answer that she and other members of SNCC were waiting for. After exhausti ve work, Anne concludes that the movement has not improved the lives of people in Mississippi. It has focused too much on voter registration and even political theater, such as the Freedom Vote, a mock vote intended to protest disenfranchisement of blacks. Instead, Anne wants the movement to focus on economic issues, such as helping black farmers buy their own land. At the end of her memoir, twenty-three-year-old Anne is getting on a bus to Washington. The bus is filled with volunteers who all seem far more high-spirited and younger than she. As they sing Anne wonders if blacks will ever really overcome racism. /customessays/Civil%20Rights /7653.htm Coming of Age in Mississippi Anne Moody s Coming of Age in Mississippi, talked extensively about the civil rights movement that she had participated in. The civil rights movement dealt with numerous issues that many people had not agreed with. Coming of Age in Mississippi gave the reader a first hand look at the efforts many people had done to gain equal rights. Anne Moody, like many other young people, joined the civil rights movement because they wanted to make a difference in their state. They wanted their freedom and the same rights as the white people had. Many other young people joined the civil rights movement because they felt that a change was needed in the way black people were treated. They felt that this change would not come if they did not join the civil rights movement. Anne Moody was a strong believer of black rights and felt that it was important for her to help black people fight for equal rights. These civil rights workers felt that their freedom would only come if most of the black community supported the efforts of the civil rights workers. Anne Moody, and other young people, thought that the only way that they would get equal rights for black people was to prove that they really wanted them. These civil rights workers, for example, showed that they really did care by joining various civil rights organizations and engagi ng in Freedom Marches. These Freedom marches were very organized, and they occurred all over the United States, which proved that black people wanted the same rights as the white people had. Anne Moody, and many other young people, joined the civil rights movement because they felt a change was needed and that it was their duty to fight for equal rights. Anne Moody had thought about joining the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), but she never did until she found out one of her roommates at Tougaloo college was the secretary. Her roommate asked, why don t you become a member (248), so Anne did. Once she went to a meeting, she became actively involved. She was always participating in various freedom marches, would go out into the community to get black people to register to vote. She always seemed to be working on getting support from the black community, sometimes to the point of exhaustion. Son after she joined the NAACP, she met a girl that was the secretary to the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Anne started hanging out with other students who were also fighting for black rights, and soon she became an active member of the SNCC. Through these organizations, Anne had become actively involved in the civil rights movement. She soon realized, though, that there were a lot of preconditi ons that were needed to achieve significant social change in the black community. Many of the projects Anne worked on, lacked support from the black community. She did not realize how much she would be harassed by the white people because she was fighting the rights of black people. The main preconditions for social change in the 1950s and 1960s, was getting the black community to support the various projects SNCC and the NAACP were working on. The black people they were fighting for did not always like the projects that Anne, and the other young people in SNCC, had been doing. Many black people tended to ignore the efforts of the SNCC because they were afraid of change. It took a lot of work to convince the black community to support the various projects the young people of SNCC were doing. An example of a project that the black community supported extensively, was Freedom Summer. This project would not have been successful if the black community did not support this. The Freedom S ummer project proved to be a success because the black community went out and voted. This proved to the federal government, that black people were interested in gaining voting rights. Anne Moody had thought about joining the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), but she never did until she found out one of her roommates at Tougaloo college was the secretary. Throughout her book, Anne Moody talked a lot about the difference between older and younger black people. She mentioned this difference extensively because it was mainly the younger generation that joined the civil rights movement. The older generation of black people did not participate in the civil rights movement not because they were not uninterested, but because they were afraid of what might have happened to them if they achieved equal rights. The older black people wanted the same rights as the white people had, but many of these people were brought up thinking they could not change their status. To them segregation was the way they were supposed to live their lives. Another reason why younger people joined the civil rights movement was because they did not have as much to lose as the older blacks did. Many of the older black people had a family to raise, and they needed to support their family financially, so therefore they could not afford to risk their lives, and the lives of their families. They were afraid to come out and participate in various civil rights activities because there were numerous black people that had been fired for participating in the voter registration drive. The older blacks did not want to risk everything to get the same rights as the white people had, so they decided not to participate. Most of people that joined the civil rights movement were students because they felt that a change was needed, and they had plenty to time to devote to the civil rights movement. They felt that it was their duty to fight for equal rights for all Black Americans. Throughout her book, Anne Moody talked a lot about the difference between older and younger black people because the younger generation was the ones that were actively involved in the civil rights movement. The role the federal government had during the civil rights movement did not always help black people achieve their rights. The first major break for civil rights came in the Supreme Court case Brown versus the Board of Education. The ruling that segregation was unconstitutional seemed like a major break through for the black community. The only problem with this decision, was that Chief Justice Marshall said that desegregation should happen with all deliberate speed instead of immediately. Many southern states did not voluntarily desegregate their schools, but this seemed to only be a minor set back for the civil rights leaders. In 1955, many congressional representatives and senators passed the Southern Manifesto, which said that the Supreme Court decision of Brown versus the Board of Education was unconstitutional. Numerous freedom marches were held all around the country, and in Washington, D.C. These marches were held to try to get the government to hear them, but the government ignored them. In 1964, the Civil Rights Act was passed ending segregation. It also created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that prevented discrimination in the workplace. Anne Moody was very optimistic about the desegregation cases. She always tested the Supreme Court decision of Brown versus the Board of Education numerous times by doing sit-ins and freedom marches. She was determined to fight for her rights, despite numerous threats against her life. When Kennedy was assassinated, she was devastated. Anne really thought that Kennedy was the answer that she and other members of SNCC were waiting for. She walked around in a daze wondering what would happen next. Governmental leaders were essential during the civil rights movement. Without the help of government officials, black people would not have had the same rights they have today. Anne Moody s Coming of Age in Mississippi, talked extensively about the civil rights movement that she had participated in. The civil rights movement proved successful in achieving equal rights for Black Americans, despite strong opposition. Black Americans got equal rights because of the untiring efforts young people, like Anne Moody, had. Without the efforts of these young people, the role of Black Americans in society may have been different today. Plot Summary: Conclusion After exhaustive work, Anne concludes that the movement has not improved the lives of people in Mississippi. It has focused too much on voter registration and even political theater, such as the Freedom Vote, a mock vote intended to protest disenfranchisement of blacks. Instead, Anne wants the movement to focus on economic issues, such as helping black farmers buy their own land. At the end of her memoir, twenty-three-year-old Anne is getting on a bus to Washington. The bus is filled with volunteers who all seem far more exuberant and younger than she. As they sing à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"We Shall Overcome,à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ Anne wonders if blacks will ever really overcome racism.
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